European Institutions

  • UK Denies EU Committee Access to Tax Documents

    November 18, 2015

    The UK has joined a group of twelve other EU member states in denying a committee of Members of the European Parliament ("MEPs") access to documents detailing tax rulings that it had privately shared with an EU "code of conduct group" on business taxation over the past seventeen years.

  • Cameron Sets out EU Renegotiation Goals

    November 11, 2015

    In a speech and letter to European Council President Donald Tusk, UK Prime Minister David Cameron called for reforms in the British relationship with the EU, including measures that would prevent eurozone countries from discriminating against the UK, immigration reform, and an end to "ever closer union."

  • ECB President Pushes for Completed Banking Union

    November 06, 2015

    In recent remarks, President of the European Central Bank ("ECB") Mario Draghi reflected on the EU's establishment of a "single supervisory mechanism" for the eurozone as a step toward the completion of a eurozone monetary and banking union in the coming years.

  • Committee Seeks EU Drone Guidelines

    November 06, 2015

    The European Parliament's Transport Committee has called for EU guidelines that would provide a framework for how EU countries should regulate drone use, with an eye to public safety and privacy.

  • EU, Other Institutions Launch "Social Rights" Platform

    November 05, 2015

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Council of Europe, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions, and the European Network of Equality Bodies have launched a Collaborative Platform on Social and Economic Rights in order to further such nontraditional "human rights" throughout Europe.

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