Report Finds EU Costs Outweigh Market Benefits
December 30, 2015
A report from the British "Vote Leave" campaign has found that the costs of UK contributions to the EU and EU single-market regulations outweigh the annual economic benefits the European Commission calculates that the UK receives from being part of the bloc.
UK Minister: ECHR-Based Lawsuits Impair Military Effectiveness
December 30, 2015
Signaling that an upcoming proposal for a British Bill of Rights will effectively override the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") in the case of soldiers engaged in armed conflict, UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has criticized the ECHR-based UK Human Rights Act for encouraging human-rights lawsuits and impairing the effectiveness of the British Armed Forces.
Halligan: Cameron's Negotiation Strategy May Lead to "Brexit"
December 30, 2015
In an analysis of the state of the British electorate prior to the referendum on the UK's membership in the EU, Liam Halligan of The Telegraph writes that Prime Minister David Cameron may be unintentionally sabotaging the campaign to remain in the bloc by engaging in a weak renegotiation with EU leaders.
Report Reveals High Salaries of EU Officials
December 29, 2015
A report released by the UK Independence Party shows that salaries of many EU officials top that of UK Prime Minister David Cameron and that these salary costs came to £50 million for the EU taxpayer in 2014.
UK Bill of Rights May Ease Deportation of Terror Suspects
December 29, 2015
According to The Daily Mail, British Government officials report that the proposed UK Bill of Rights legislation will permit the Government to deport terror suspects prior to the European Court of Human Rights' hearing of their appeal and will shield members of the British Armed Forces from human-rights lawsuits.