European Institutions

  • Mortimer in The Spectator: France’s growing German Skepticism

    April 21, 2021

    Gavin Mortimer writing in The Spectator examines how Brexit and Covid 19 have challenged relationships within the European Union and in particular the relationship between France and Germany.

  • Russia’s Sputnik Vaccine Causing Division in EU

    April 21, 2021

    As vaccine roll out in the EU continues to lag behind other countries, Russia’s offer to sell their Sputnik V vaccine and the question of whether of not to accept is causing divisions within the bloc and even, in some cases, within individual countries.

  • ECtHR Ruling May Lay the Ground for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination

    April 19, 2021

    A landmark ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that compulsory vaccination can be considered « necessary in a democratic society » potentially setting a legal precedent that will serve as a reference in the ongoing debate on whether COVID-19 vaccination should be made compulsory.

  • ECtHR Opens Itself up to Climate-Related Human Rights Cases

    April 19, 2021

    The European Court of Human Rights, which is responsible for interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights, has begun considering whether states have violated their citizens’ human rights by failing to do enough to cut emissions.

  • EU Drafts Strict Rules for A.I.

    April 15, 2021

    Politico has obtained a draft of rules written by the European Commission that would ban certain uses of “high-risk” artificial intelligence systems and limit others from entering the bloc if they don’t meet the set standards, as well as fining companies that do not comply up to €20 million.

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