Denmark Holds Vote on EU Justice Measures
December 02, 2015
The Telegraph reports that Denmark is holding a referendum in early December on whether to opt-in to a set of EU justice and security measures, including in police cooperation and debt recovery across national borders, from which it currently opts out.
ECtHR Upholds French Headscarf Ban in Employment
December 02, 2015
The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has upheld the application of a French rule banning the wearing of a headscarf at work to a Muslim social worker terminated from her employment at a hospital.
Talks on Financial Transaction Tax Near Deadline
December 02, 2015
A group of EU countries negotiating a tax on financial transactions are nearing a deadline for the conclusion of an agreement imposed by Austria with a number of hurdles to an agreement, such as the scope and calculation of any such tax, remaining.
Countries Discuss Creation of "Mini-Schengen"
December 02, 2015
According to POLITICO, a Dutch newspaper has reported that following the recent Islamic State attacks in Paris, five EU countries - Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg - held "exploratory talks" on the creation of a smaller passport-free travel area to replace the current 26-state Schengen Zone.
Juncker Calls for Future Shift to "Two-Speed" EU
December 02, 2015
In remarks that also included a call for "common, minimum social rights" in all EU countries, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has predicted a shift to a "two-speed" EU, in which some countries continue moving toward "ever-closer union" while other countries "position themselves in an orbit different from the core."