European Institutions

  • ECtHR Rejects Challenge to Italian Embryo Law

    September 02, 2015

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has held that an Italian law prohibiting the destruction of human embryos for research purposes does not violate provisions in the European Convention on Human Rights protecting the rights to privacy and to private property.

  • Paper: UK Backs Down from EU Employment Opt-out

    September 02, 2015

    The Daily Mail reports that the UK Prime Minister David Cameron will step back from demanding that Britain be exempt from most EU employment laws as part of the country's renegotiation of competences with the bloc, instead focusing on opting out of the EU directive that limits the number of hours people can work.

  • EU Faces Criticism over Television Funding

    September 01, 2015

    Research from the British organization TaxPayers' Alliance shows that the EU spent over £10 million through its "Creative Europe" fund in 2014 subsidizing television programs, many of which promote the EU or were already highly successful prior to the funding.

  • ECB Official Seeks Path to Political Integration

    September 01, 2015

    In recent remarks, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank ("ECB") Benoît Cœuré extolled the continued political and economic integration of EU member states and considered the best ways to convince Europeans of the necessity of a centralized Europe, including by establishing a euro-area finance ministry.

  • Google Denies EU Competition Allegations

    September 01, 2015

    The New York Times reports that search engine Google has denied antitrust allegations from the European Commission that it has abused its dominance in the European online market, arguing that it faces substantial competition from other companies.

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