European Institutions

  • CoE Creates Protocol on Foreign Terrorist Fighters

    October 16, 2015

    At an upcoming conference, the Council of Europe ("CoE") will open for signature by member countries a protocol that seeks to harmonize legislation in European countries and improve information-sharing in order to deal with foreign terrorist fighters.

  • FRA Pushes Alternatives to Asylum-Seeker Detention

    October 15, 2015

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights ("FRA") has published guidance to EU member countries on alternatives to detaining asylum seekers and people who have sought and failed to obtain asylum within their territory.

  • MEP Seeks Stronger Framework to Replace "Safe Harbor"

    October 15, 2015

    Member of the European Parliament ("MEP") Sophie in ‘t Veld has called on the European Commission to use the Court of Justice of the EU's invalidation of the US-EU "Safe Harbor" data framework as an opportunity to impose stronger restrictions on transatlantic data transfers.

  • UK Euroskeptics Launch "Vote Leave" Campaign

    October 15, 2015

    A wide-ranging group of euroskeptics in the UK, including business leaders and politicians, has launched a "Vote Leave" campaign that is prepared to campaign for Britons to vote to leave the EU if the campaign views Prime Minister David Cameron's negotiated reforms with the bloc as insufficient.

  • Epstein Criticizes ECJ Data Decision

    October 14, 2015

    Professor Richard Epstein of New York University School of Law argues that the Court of Justice of the EU's ("ECJ") invalidation of the EU-US Safe Harbor data-transfer framework was flawed, as the ECJ did not consider the reliance interests of thousands of companies and pointed to "no evidence of concrete abuse."

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