European Institutions

  • Hague: Greece Is Only Beginning of "Euro Crisis"

    July 10, 2015

    Former British Member of Parliament William Hague writes that the Greek financial crisis only marks the beginning of the inevitable problems initiated by the introduction of the euro throughout widely diverging economies in Europe.

  • Farage: Greek Referendum Signals Broad Rejection of EU

    July 09, 2015

    UK Member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage writes that the outcome of the recent referendum in Greece, rejecting the demands of the country's creditors despite pressure from EU leaders, demonstrates the disillusionment of young people with a "united" Europe and their support for national democracy.

  • Austria: UK Nuclear Plants Violate EU Rules

    July 09, 2015

    The Government of Austria has filed a complaint with the Court of Justice of the EU alleging that the European Commission's approval of the construction of two nuclear power plants in the UK, intended in part to offset the country's carbon emissions, violates EU commitments to support renewable energy.

  • EU Commissioner: Farage Is "Right Too Often"

    July 09, 2015

    While he views the euroskeptic leader's solutions to the transfer of national sovereignty to Brussels as "morally completely unacceptable," EU Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans has conceded that UK Independence Party's Nigel Farage is "right too often" regarding the problems the EU faces.

  • Hannan: EU Negotiation Must Focus on Restoring UK Sovereignty

    July 08, 2015

    British Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan writes that amending EU treaties to remove the direct effect of EU legislation, thus restoring the UK's sovereign authority to make laws, must be part of any meaningful renegotiation of competences between the UK and the EU.

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