European Institutions

  • Hannan: Withdrawing from ECHR Would Not "Scrap" Rights

    June 05, 2015

    UK Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan writes that Britain's departure from the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") would not "scrap" human rights but rather ensure that these rights are interpreted and implemented in the "law-based liberal democracy" of the UK.

  • EU Attorney: Countries May Exclude Recent Migrants from Benefits

    June 05, 2015

    The Advocate-General of the Court of Justice of the EU has issued a legal opinion stating that Germany did not violate EU rules by excluding a migrant from another EU country from social benefits during the first three months of his residence.

  • ECJ: UK Energy Policy Violates EU Tax Rules

    June 05, 2015

    The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has ruled that the UK's provision of a reduced tax on solar panels and insulation in order to increase energy savings violates EU tax rules.

  • Elliott: U.K. Should Not Rush EU Referendum

    June 04, 2015

    Matthew Elliott of Business for Britain writes that U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron should ignore calls to rush a British referendum on EU membership after securing mere "cosmetic" changes, and instead should seek to deliver an extensive renegotiation of authority.

  • MEP: Britain Should Lose Veto for Treaty Opt-out

    June 03, 2015

    The Guardian reports that German Member of the European Parliament ("MEP") and Chair of the European People's Party Manfred Weber has suggested that in exchange for an opt-out from the EU treaties' provision of "ever-closer union," the U.K. should lose its veto over EU legislation.

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