Denmark Plans Referendum to End EU Defense Opt-outs
August 07, 2015
Reuters reports that the Danish Government is planning to hold a referendum to decide whether to end the country's current opt-outs from the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy, which would permit the country to engage within the EU framework on joint military operations and developing new military capabilities.
Juncker Threatens Mandatory EU Resettlement Policy
August 06, 2015
Calling on politicians to ignore "populist" responses to the resettlement of waves of migrants within the EU, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned that if the EU's voluntary resettlement plan failed to find a place for its target of 40,000 migrants, the Commission would bring back a policy of mandatory resettlement later this year.
EU Prepares New Maternity-Leave Proposal
August 06, 2015
EurActiv reports that after the last proposal on the subject produced deadlock in the European institutions, the European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans has signaled a "new, comprehensive initiative" that mandates the minimum length of maternity leave permitted in the EU member states.
Bandow: Greek Crisis Exposes EU Failings
August 06, 2015
Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute writes that the Greek financial crisis and subsequent additional bailout of the country may result in the unraveling of the "European Project," as Europeans realize that EU centralization comes at the expense of their popular sovereignty.
Pierini: EU Must Have More Counter-terrorism Tools
August 05, 2015
Marc Pierini of Carnegie Europe argues that the most effective way to fight terrorism in Europe is to give the EU the means to adopt and implement counter-terrorism policies that combat new methods of attacks by Islamist extremists.