European Institutions

  • Ombudsman Warns on Lack of EU Transparency

    June 02, 2015

    The Irish Times reports that the EU Ombudsman has announced that lack of transparency among the European institutions topped complaints to the body's office last year, and that it would open an investigation into the transparency of "trilogue" meetings, in which the institutions meet regarding EU legislation.

  • Murray: Pro-HRA Campaign Spreads "Misinformation"

    June 02, 2015

    Douglas Murray of the Henry Jackson Society writes that the campaign to stop the replacement of the U.K. Human Rights Act ("HRA") with a British Bill of Rights often ignores the fact that Britain recognized the rights at the basis of the HRA prior to its passage in 1998.

  • EU Warns Countries to Adopt "Bail-in" Rules

    June 01, 2015

    The European Commission has warned 11 EU member states that it will launch legal action against them if they do not implement the EU bank recovery and resolution directive, requiring banks to contribute to a fund that will limit the exposure of taxpayers to potential bank bailouts.

  • NGO Calls for EU to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

    June 01, 2015

    The Director of the nongovernmental organization Green Budget Europe has published an article calling on the European Commission to pressure EU member states to eliminate public fossil fuel subsidies in order to fight global warming.

  • EU Issues Proposal on Migrant Quotas

    June 01, 2015

    The New York Times reports that the European Commission has formally proposed a quota system under which EU member states will be required to take set numbers of migrants, particularly those who have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Italy and Greece from Libya, over the next two years.

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