European Institutions

  • Paper: German Minister Seeks Brussels Power Shift

    July 31, 2015

    Citing anonymous Brussels diplomats, the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has reported that German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble wishes to take some powers from the European Commission, such as competition and internal market oversight, and hand them to independent authorities.

  • ECB Expresses Concern at Eurozone Divergence

    July 30, 2015

    In an economic bulletin, the European Central Bank ("ECB") stated that it was "disappointed" with the diverging status of the national economies in the eurozone, a development that defies the expectations of the architects of the euro project.

  • Scott: Supremacy of EU Law Is Threat to British Sovereignty

    July 29, 2015

    Barrister Matthew Scott writes that the supremacy of EU law is a greater threat to British sovereignty than the influence of the European Court of Human Rights, as UK courts are finding ways to expand their powers under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights at the expense of the country's Parliament.

  • EU Parliament Agrees to Proposal on Passenger Data Storage

    July 29, 2015

    The Independent reports that the European Parliament has agreed to a proposal requiring that airlines store passenger data on flights arriving from and departing to locations outside the EU for five years in order to permit the data to remain searchable by European authorities.

  • Oxley: Obama's "Brexit" Warning Is Not in UK Interests

    July 27, 2015

    Robert Oxley of the group Business for Britain writes that US President Barack Obama's most recent call for the UK to remain in the EU is based on the US's hostile treatment in Europe and argues that the President should instead be calling for real EU reform.

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