European Institutions

  • Ministers Adopt CoE Protocol on Terrorism

    May 27, 2015

    Foreign ministers from countries across Europe have adopted a legally binding protocol to the Council of Europe’s (“CoE”) convention on the prevention of terrorism that requires countries to carry out measures to prevent terrorist radicalization and training.

  • British Business Leaders Do Not Fear “Brexit”

    May 27, 2015

    The BBC reports that a group of business leaders in the U.K. have discounted fears of harm to the British economy following its potential exit from the EU, finding that being outside the bloc would not substantially influence Britain’s trade prospects.

  • Redwood: EU Negotiation Should Return U.K. Sovereignty

    May 21, 2015

    Arguing that the U.K. veto over intrusive Brussels regulations has encountered "remorseless erosion," John Redwood MP writes that the British renegotiation of powers with the EU should focus on a complete return of sovereignty to U.K. voters.

  • Lynn: Businesses Should Seek EU Reform

    May 21, 2015

    Matthew Lynn writes that instead of repeating "scare stories" predicting catastrophic consequences of the U.K. leaving the EU, businesses should call for common-sense reforms to the EU-U.K. relationship that would foster growth, such as returning financial regulatory power to Britain.

  • Ombudsman: Member States Use EU Funds in Rights Violations

    May 21, 2015

    EurActiv reports that the EU Ombudsman has called on officials to perform visits to member states to ensure that EU funds, intended to spur economic growth, are not used to violate fundamental rights, especially in countries "with a less positive track record."

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