European Institutions

  • Countries Back EU Naval Intervention

    May 20, 2015

    EurActiv reports that while several countries have declined to support EU redistribution quotas for migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean to illegally enter the bloc, EU member states have backed Commission plans to capture smugglers and destroy boats off the coast of Libya.

  • Business Group: "Brexit" Could Cause Irish EU Exit

    May 20, 2015

    The Irish Times reports that the head of the Irish business organization Ibec argues that if Britain exits the EU in its planned referendum, it would attract outside investment in the U.K. economy and should spur Ireland to consider leaving the EU as well.

  • Former Italian PM: Build a "Two-Speed" EU

    May 15, 2015

    Arguing that the exit of the U.K. from the EU would signal the "death throes" of the project, former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta writes that the EU should allow the U.K. and other non-eurozone countries to form an EU "slow track" that is not committed to political integration.

  • EU Proposes Plan to Resettle Migrants

    May 15, 2015

    In response to the recent capsizing of boats carrying migrants across the Mediterranean Sea, the European Commission has proposed a quota system, which faces opposition in the U.K., through which migrants reaching Southern European countries will be resettled in other EU member states.

  • EU Warns U.K. over Budget Deficit

    May 15, 2015

    The European Commission has announced that the U.K. will remain under the oversight of the EU's Excessive Deficit Procedure for failure of the country to reduce its deficit to levels mandated under EU law.

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