European Institutions

  • ECJ Finds Lack of Standing in Challenge to ECB Program

    May 08, 2015

    The Court of Justice of the EU has upheld the ruling of a lower court dismissing the complaint of a group of individuals alleging that the European Central Bank lacked the legal authority to implement its bond-buying program in 2012 for lack of standing.

  • Evans-Pritchard: Cameron May Keep U.K. in EU

    May 07, 2015

    The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes that, contrary to the views of those in Brussels and elsewhere who have expressed alarm regarding U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron's call for a referendum on the EU, Cameron may be the most likely candidate to avert "Brexit."

  • Juncker Warns of Euro Dismantlement upon "Grexit"

    May 07, 2015

    Following his comments that joining the euro currency is "irreversible," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned that some in the "Anglo Saxon world" would tear the eurozone apart if Greece is permitted to exit the currency bloc.

  • EU Announces E-Commerce Antitrust Inquiry

    May 06, 2015

    As part of its overhaul of European e-commerce in order to establish a "Digital Single Market," the European Commission has announced an investigation into whether the U.S. e-commerce company Amazon violated EU antitrust rules by imposing barriers to access to goods across borders in Europe.

  • EU Investigates McDonald's Tax Avoidance

    May 06, 2015

    The Guardian reports that as part of its inquiries into the legality of the operations of a number of U.S. businesses in Europe, the European Commission is investigating whether McDonald's exploited loopholes in Luxembourg law in order to avoid paying taxes.

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