Extensive Report Calls for EU Reform or British Exit
July 06, 2015
A new, 1000-page report from the nongovernmental organization Business for Britain - entitled "Change, or Go" - calls for Britain to exit the EU if UK Prime Minister David Cameron cannot reclaim substantial sovereign authority from the EU in upcoming negotiations.
Lamont: EU Ideals Conflict with Democratic Sovereignty
July 06, 2015
Former UK Member of Parliament and Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont writes that the Greek financial crisis demonstrates how the "inflexible, irreversible rules of the euro" are in conflict with the principle of people as sovereign in a national democratic system.
Telegraph: Events Show Momentum for EU Reform
July 06, 2015
An editorial in The Telegraph argues that recent events, including the formation of a center-right, euroskeptic coalition government in Denmark, demonstrate that UK Prime Minister David Cameron can tap into a growing call for reform in Europe as he negotiates a new relationship between his country and the EU.
Will: Greek EU Exit Would Have Positive Effects
July 01, 2015
George Will writes that Greece's exit from the EU would serve both as a message regarding the effects of socialism on the well-being of a country's citizens, as well as encouragement to other EU member states to reclaim sovereignty from the bloc.
Muspratt: Magna Carta, not ECtHR, Is Foundation of UK Rights
July 01, 2015
Chris Muspratt writes that the UK, which has a long tradition of freedom under the law in Magna Carta, should repeal its Human Rights Act, thus giving the European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") only an advisory role and leaving national courts as the final authority on judicial decision-making.