Open Europe: UK Needs "Watertight" EU Changes
June 09, 2015
The think tank Open Europe has called on UK Prime Minister David Cameron to secure "watertight" legal changes in Britain's relationship with the EU, potentially including changes to the EU treaties, to cement a substantial return of national sovereignty prior to the country's referendum on the bloc.
EU Promotes Global Governance of Oceans
June 08, 2015
The European Commission has launched a public consultation seeking views on how the EU can best promote efforts toward global governance of oceans and toward the international agenda on ocean sustainability.
ECtHR Rules French Doctors May Remove Man's Life Support
June 08, 2015
The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has ruled that French courts did not violate the right to life and right against torture of a man who has been in a coma for seven years by permitting doctors to remove the man's intravenous feeding and hydration tube.
Hannan: Withdrawing from ECHR Would Not "Scrap" Rights
June 05, 2015
UK Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan writes that Britain's departure from the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") would not "scrap" human rights but rather ensure that these rights are interpreted and implemented in the "law-based liberal democracy" of the UK.
EU Attorney: Countries May Exclude Recent Migrants from Benefits
June 05, 2015
The Advocate-General of the Court of Justice of the EU has issued a legal opinion stating that Germany did not violate EU rules by excluding a migrant from another EU country from social benefits during the first three months of his residence.