European Institutions

  • Straubhaar: Europe Needs U.S. to Defend Western Values

    April 01, 2015

    Professor Thomas Straubhaar of the University of Hamburg writes that European countries are "fighting a losing battle" for Western principles if they do not rely on cooperation with the U.S. and that negotiating a comprehensive trade agreement between the U.S. and EU is therefore of "fundamental importance."

  • British MPs Criticize BBC Coverage of EU

    March 25, 2015

    Members of Parliament ("MPs") on the U.K. European Scrutiny Committee have published a report criticizing the British Broadcasting Corporation ("BBC") for allegedly biased coverage on issues relating to the EU.

  • Arnheim: U.K. Courts Not Required to Submit to ECHR

    March 25, 2015

    The think tank Civitas has published a paper by barrister Dr. Michael Arnheim arguing that U.K. courts have gone beyond British law in adhering to judgments of the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") and calling for legislation making clear that British judges are only subject to Parliamentary sovereignty.

  • EU Leaders Proceed with Energy Union Plans

    March 25, 2015

    EurActiv reports that government leaders in the European Council broadly agreed to proceed with developing an "energy union" in the EU, though specific details of such a union remain undecided.

  • Open Europe: Post-EU Britain Can Prosper

    March 23, 2015

    A report published by think tank Open Europe predicts that the costs and benefits of a U.K. exit from the EU depend whether Britain cultivates new trading partners and reduces regulation or whether it becomes more isolated upon leaving the bloc.

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