European Institutions

  • ECB President Calls for "Quantum Leap" in Integration

    March 19, 2015

    Arguing that the eurozone countries had "integrated too much to even entertain reversing the process," President of the European Central Bank ("ECB") Mario Draghi has called for a "quantum leap" forward in the convergence of eurozone institutions.

  • Juncker Rejects EU Treaty Changes on Free Movement

    March 18, 2015

    While indicating a willingness to work with U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on ensuring that EU free movement rules are not abused, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has rejected the possibility of amending the free movement provisions in EU treaties.

  • Open Europe: EU Regulations Impose High Costs on U.K.

    March 18, 2015

    Think tank Open Europe has published research demonstrating that the 100 most burdensome EU-derived regulations cost the British economy over £33 billion per year.

  • ECJ Considers Adequacy of EU-U.S. Data Protection

    March 18, 2015

    The Register reports that the EU Court of Justice will soon consider whether Facebook violated the rights of its European users by transferring their data to the U.S. Government, and whether the EU-U.S. "safe harbour framework" has adequately protected such data.

  • NGO Criticizes EU Abortion Rights Report

    March 18, 2015

    The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe has responded to a recent resolution adopted by the European Parliament, including recognition of abortion as a human right, arguing that such an issue is only within the competence of national governments, not the EU.

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