European Institutions

  • U.K. Faces Increasing Costs for EU

    December 31, 2014

    In a recent publication, the organization Business for Britain explains why the U.K.'s payments to the EU have increased and why they will continue to rise in the future.

  • Polish Official Threatens U.K.'s EU Immigration Plans

    December 31, 2014

    Poland's Secretary of State for European Affairs Rafal Trzaskowki has warned that the country will seek to halt British Prime Minister David Cameron's proposed measures restricting social benefits to EU migrants entering the U.K.

  • Khan Calls for Greece to Drop Euro

    December 31, 2014

    In a recent article in The Telegraph, Mehreen Khan uses nine charts to explain why Greece would be better off withdrawing from the euro currency.

  • Court Removes Hamas from EU Terror List

    December 24, 2014

    The second-highest court of the EU has reversed the EU's designation of the Palestinian group Hamas as a terrorist organization on the ground that EU officials made the designation merely on the basis of news and internet reports.

  • Court Opposes EU-ECHR Accession Plan

    December 24, 2014

    The Court of Justice of the EU has issued a negative opinion on the plan of the EU to accede to the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") based on conflicts between the structures of the economic and human rights blocs.

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