European Institutions

  • Mach Makes Libertarian Case for EU Withdrawal

    September 24, 2014

    On, Petr Mach argues the strongest case for libertarians, in order to deregulate national economies and create competition among European jurisdictions, is secession from the European Union.

  • EU Members Reject Coupling Open Borders with Information Sharing

    September 24, 2014

    The Telegraph reports that a U.K. Government project seeking to deal with the flow of crime over the open borders of the EU through greater information-sharing on criminals has met resistance among other EU member states.

  • AfD Prods German Government to Address Voter Concerns

    September 17, 2014

    Comparing the anti-euro party Alternative for Germany ("AfD") to the American Tea Party movement, The Economist reports that the success of upstart AfD in local and European elections is placing pressure on the German Government to respond to the concerns of euroskeptic voters.

  • EU Seeks Strict Enforcement of Banker Bonus Caps

    September 17, 2014

    As the U.K. seeks to fight the EU's restrictions on bonuses paid to European bank executives, European Commission Vice-President Michel Barnier has expressed his desire to clamp down on banks that attempt to avoid the regulation by paying their executives an allowance in cash or shares.

  • Civitas Explores Solutions to Issues with British EU Exit

    September 17, 2014

    The British organization Civitas has published a report examining concerns of business leaders and individuals with the possible exit of the U.K. from the EU and proposing solutions to these potential problems.

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