European Institutions

  • EU Will Reject U.K. Migration Reform

    January 07, 2015

    The Guardian reports that the European Commission is prepared to warn the British Government that a proposal from Prime Minister David Cameron to restrict social benefits to EU migrants would violate the principle of free movement in the bloc.

  • EU: Joining Euro Is "Irrevocable"

    January 07, 2015

    In response to reports that Greece may leave the euro currency due to the country's economic problems, a spokesperson for the EU has warned that eurozone rules prohibit the exit of any country from the currency bloc.

  • Cameron Suggests Moving Forward EU Referendum

    January 07, 2015

    In a recent interview, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron indicated his willingness, in the case of a Conservative victory in this year's Parliamentary elections, to advance the timing of a proposed referendum on Britain's EU membership to a date prior to 2017.

  • Iceland Will Withdraw EU Application

    January 07, 2015

    Iceland Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson has stated that his government will formally withdraw Iceland's application for EU membership in early 2015.

  • ECJ Ruling Weakens U.K. Immigration Restrictions

    December 31, 2014

    The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has invalidated the U.K.'s blanket requirement that non-European family members of EU citizens who obtain a residence card from another EU country must acquire a British visa before entering the country.

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