EU Official Acknowledges Importance of Subsidiarity
November 19, 2014
Reflecting the current pressure of anti-EU parties on European institutions, European Commissioner for Energy Union Maroš Šefcovic has called for respect of the principle of subsidiarity and has argued that national parliaments must have a greater say in EU decisions.
MEPs Introduce Resolution to Censure Juncker
November 19, 2014
A group of euroskeptic members of the European Parliament ("MEPs") have introduced a resolution, which must be debated and voted upon, to censure European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker for his role in "tax avoidance policies" when he was Prime Minister of Luxembourg.
British Secretary Says U.K. Must Be Prepared for EU Exit
November 19, 2014
U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond argues that in order to secure the best deal of repatriated powers with other EU member states, the British Government must be prepared to leave the EU in case negotiations are unsuccessful.
Adebahr: Expand EU to All European Countries
November 19, 2014
Cornelius Adebahr of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has published an article arguing for extending membership in the European Union to all European countries, with countries choosing different levels of adherence to EU regulation and oversight.
European Arrest Warrant Opponents File Legal Action
November 12, 2014
The Independent reports that following the U.K. Government's sidestepping of a vote on the European Arrest Warrant, which facilitates the deportation of alleged criminals to other EU countries, opponents have filed an action with the High Court seeking an injunction against adoption of the warrant.