ECHR Refuses Deportation Due to Risk of "Life-Without-Parole" Sentence
September 10, 2014
The European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") has declared that Belgium's deportation of a terror suspect to the U.S. would violate his human rights because the U.S. could impose upon the suspect a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of release.
Irish Justice Expresses Subsidiarity Concerns over ECHR
September 10, 2014
Irish Supreme Court Justice Adrian Hardiman has questioned whether the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") has ignored the principle of subsidiarity by hearing a case when domestic remedies had not yet been exhausted.
NGO Challenges U.K. for Secrecy in Intelligence Sharing
September 10, 2014
The nongovernmental organization ("NGO") Privacy International has taken the U.K. to the European Court of Human Rights over the country's refusal to publish the "Five Eyes" intelligence-sharing treaty.
ECHR "Cyberbullying" Decision Prompts Proposed Irish Reforms
September 03, 2014
Citing the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") decision that Ireland was liable for abuse suffered by a student at state school, the country's Special Rapporteur on Child Protection Geoffrey Shannon has proposed reforms seeking to expand school responsibility for countering "cyberbullying" conduct.
German Euroskeptic Party Wins State Seats
September 03, 2014
Following up on the wave of victories for euroskeptic parties in the European Parliamentary elections, the anti-euro party Alternative for Germany, founded in 2013, has won its first seats in state parliament in Saxony.