European Institutions

  • Muller: Christian Democracy Is on Decline

    July 18, 2014

    Jan-Werner Muller has published an article arguing that secularization and disenchantment with the ideal of European integration have caused Christian Democratic parties to decline in favor of nationalist and populist parties.

  • German Party Considers Reducing Court Powers over EU Issues

    July 14, 2014

    EUobserver reports that leaders in Germany's Christian Democratic party are discussing potential national legislation that would limit the authority of the German Constitutional Court over EU affairs.

  • ECJ Receives Question on Personal Data Transfer

    July 14, 2014

    The European Court of Justice ("ECJ") has received a case from an Irish court seeking information on whether it is still bound by the "Safe Harbor Framework" adopted by the European Commission on data transfers to the U.S. in light of recent revelations about mass U.S. government surveillance.

  • EU Finance Ministers Seek to Close Tax "Loopholes"

    July 14, 2014

    Finance Ministers from EU member states have agreed to a proposal to reform tax legislation in Europe that has purportedly allowed multinational corporations to use differing national tax policies to lower their overall tax bills.

  • EU Warns Ireland Not to Stray from Austerity Path

    July 14, 2014

    In its first "post-program surveillance report" following the financial crisis, the EU has called for Ireland to avoid initiatives to reduce taxes and increase expenditures, due to high government and private indebtedness in the country.

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