ECJ's "Right to Be Forgotten" Presents Uncertain Implications
July 14, 2014
A new Intellectual Property Watch article argues that the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") decision that Google must take down from its search results certain information about European citizens deemed irrelevant or outdated may have opened a "Pandora's Box" in internet privacy claims.
EU Demands Amazon Tax Documents from Luxembourg
July 14, 2014
As part of a broader investigation of whether EU member states are engaging in unlawful tax deals to encourage the presence of multinational companies, the European Commission has ordered Luxembourg to hand over documents relating to the tax status of online retailer Amazon.
MEPs Deny Euroskeptic Parties Committee Posts
July 14, 2014
EUobserver reports that three of the largest party groupings in the European Parliament are pooling support to deny committee posts to party groupings that favor returning powers from Brussels to national governments, including the groupings including the U.K. Conservatives and the U.K. Independence Party.
Cummings Describes Necessary Focus of U.K. "Out" Campaign
July 14, 2014
In a blog post, Dominic Cummings summarizes his recent report detailing the disenchantment in the U.K. with policies of the Conservative Government relating to the EU and immigration, and describes the need for small business and other support of the campaign to leave the EU in order to persuade swing voters.
ECJ Holds Greater Transparency Required for TTIP Documents
July 14, 2014
The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has held that in order to prevent disclosure of documents related to international negotiations, such as those surrounding the proposed EU-U.S. trade deal ("TTIP"), the EU Council must demonstrate that the disclosure would harm the public interest.