Blair Calls for Program of Change in Response to EU Elections
June 20, 2014
In the wake of the recent European Parliamentary election results, which saw large gains by "euroskeptic" parties, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair argues that European institutions must re-address the balance of power between the EU and the member states.
Farage: U.K. Should Not Opt into EU Legal Provisions
June 20, 2014
U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage has called for Prime Minister David Cameron to maintain British control of its justice system by not opting back into 35 areas of EU justice and home affairs measures, including the European Arrest Warrant.
EU Election Outcome Sends Message to Politicians
June 20, 2014
John Fund writes on National Review Online that following an EU election in which parties supporting the return of sovereignty from Brussels to national governments earned clear-cut gains in many countries, politicians will ignore the message of decentralization sent by voters at their peril.
ECHR Pushes Hungary to Reform Life-Without-Parole Sentences
June 20, 2014
In a case involving a man sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") has ruled that the sentence violated the man's human rights and that Hungary must afford the opportunity for future review of such sentences.
EU Seeks to Monitor Large Vehicle Emissions
June 20, 2014
The European Commission has announced plans to combat greenhouse gas emissions by requiring the monitoring and reporting of such emissions from trucks and buses, and eventually by placing a mandatory limit on these emissions.