Vatican and Business Leaders Form New Alliance
January 13, 2021
The world's largest investment and business leaders and the Vatican have launched a new partnership called, The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican ("the Council") with the goal of reforming capitalism.
EU Leaders Oppose President Trump Twitter Ban
January 12, 2021
Forbes reports that multiple European Leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, are condemning Twitter's decision to ban U.S. President Donald Trump from their platform, calling the move, "perplexing" and "problematic".
Lawfare: China and EU Finalize Investment Agreement
January 08, 2021
Lawfareblog.com examines the possible consequences should the European Parliament ratify a new agreement on direct investment between China and the European Union.
Austria Pushes for EU Imam Registry as CVE Measure
January 06, 2021
Austria’s Minister for European Affairs is pushing for an EU-wide adoption of Vienna’s registry of imams as a countering violent extremism (CVE) measure that would allow better monitoring of radical Islamist preaching, Islamic associations advocating violence, and a ban on mosque financing by foreign states and non-state entities associated with radical Islamism.
Thio: Equality and Non-Discrimination in International Human Rights Law
January 05, 2021
Li-ann Thio, Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore, writes a report for the Heritage Foundation tackling the question of equality and non-discrimination in international human rights law.