French Bill Makes Intimidation on Religious Grounds a Crime
November 20, 2020
Following the death of french history teacher Samuel Paty, who was beheaded after an online campaign for showing his students cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, French leaders have drafted a law that will make intimidation on religious grounds a crime.
Hungary and Poland Block EU Budget and Recovery Fund
November 18, 2020
Hungary and Poland blocked the adoption of the 2021-2027 budget and recovery fund by European Union governments due to reservations that the budget law included a clause making access to money conditional on complete submission to the blocs "Rule of Law", putting aside national sovereignty.
UK's Labour Party Demands Social Media Silences Anti-Vaxxers
November 16, 2020
In a letter to the UK's Digital, Culture and Media Secretary, Olivier Downdon, the Labour Party requested that the Government require social media companies to delete any content containing anti-vaccine language.
EU Governments Expunge Language on Islamism in Joint Statement on Terrorism
November 16, 2020
Home Affairs ministers from European Union (EU) member-states have issued a joint statement on terrorism that diverged markedly from an initial draft that identified Islamist extremism as a terrorist threat and that called for the establishment of a European institute to train imams, with the final version making no mention of Islam and, instead, focusing on the need for integration of refugees and migrants and the promotion of religious education and training consistent with European values.
Pfizer and Biontech Reach an Agreement to Supply EU with 200 Million Doses of Their Covid-19 Vaccine
November 16, 2020
Pfizer and BioNTech SE announced that they have reached an agreement with the European Commission to supply 200 million doses of their investigational BNT162b2 mRNA-based vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2 to European Union (EU) Member States starting by the end of 2020 depending on the clinical success and regulatory authority.