Huawei Challenges 5G Bans in Poland and Romania
November 02, 2020
Chinese telecoms giant Huawei has sent a letter of complaint to top European lawmakers accusing Poland and Romania, who have put a ban on 5G technology, of violating EU law, potentially leading to court battles over new telecom security policies.
ECtHR Rules that Erdogan Violated Free Speech of Opponent
October 28, 2020
The European Court of Human Rights has found Turkey, who is a member of the Council of Europe, violated the free speech of a top opposition figure, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who was convicted over criticism of Recep Tayyip Erdogan eight years ago.
Lee: Macron's Attempt to Craft New French Islam is Flawed
October 28, 2020
Writing in National Review, Martha Lee examines Macron's government-led, Islamist-managed initiative to create a new, moderate French Islam that aligns with France's republican values, free of foreign influence.
New Sanctions Program to Address Human Rights Violations Proposed for EU
October 28, 2020
The European Commission and the EU's Foreign Policy High Representative have put forward a proposal for a new, non-country-based sanctions program to address human rights violations and abuses with asset freezes and travel bans which must be approved by all 27 Member States within the EU Council before it becomes law.
China and EU to Launch Pilot Program on International Patent Searches
October 24, 2020
The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the European Patent Office (EPO) are set to launch a two-year pilot program enabling Chinese patent applicants to designate the EPO as an additional option for international searches creating a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two intellectual property (IP) offices helping Chinese applicants acquire IP protection in Europe.