Heikkila: Lack of Business Data-Sharing Cooperation Threatens Europe's AI Strategy
March 25, 2020
Writing in Politico, Melissa Heikkila explains why a lack of data-sharing cooperation on the part of large companies is the Achilles’ heel of Europe’s artificial intelligence ("AI") strategy.
Yasko: Inclusion of "Authorized Representatives" from Russia-Occupied Eastern Ukraine Raises Legitimation Concerns
March 25, 2020
Writing in The Atlantic, Lisa Yasko explains why western countries should be concerned about the inclusion of "authorized representatives" from Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine as signatories to proposals accepted by Ukraine officials during a recent meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group, a platform for talks toward ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine that features representatives from Ukraine, Russia, and the OSCE.
ECtHR Refuses to Hear Case Involving Religious Objection of Midwives to Performing Abortions in Sweden
March 18, 2020
The European Court of Human Rights has refused to hear the case of two nurses denied jobs as midwives in Sweden because of their refusal to perform abortions.
Top Russian Court Signs Off on Likely Extension of Putin Term
March 18, 2020
The Constitutional Court of Russia has approved a legislative proposal that will enable President Vladimir Putin to seek office beyond the presently prescribed term limits, perhaps until 2036.
Navalny Takes Russia to European Court of Human Rights
March 11, 2020
Russian opposition politician, Alexei Navalny, has lodged a complain against Russia at the European Court of Human Rights to contest a money laundering investigation he claims authorities have opened to thwart his political activities.