OIC Follows Turkey's Lead, Declares Gulenists Are Terrorists
October 20, 2016
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has thrown the support of its 57 member states behind the hardline Islamist government in Turkey by declaring that the competing Turkish Islamist movement of Fetullah Gulen is a terrorist group.
OIC Condemns Israeli Intercept of Gaza Aid Flotilla
October 11, 2016
The Secretary-General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the 57-member-state organization that asserts it speaks on behalf of Muslims worldwide, condemned the Israeli navy's interception of an activist boat aiming to break the country's blockade of Gaza as a "violation of international law and human values."
OIC Pilgrimage Decision Spotlights Saudi, Iran Tensions
September 07, 2016
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's announcement of the global organization's commitment to supporting Saudi Arabia in its ongoing management of the Islamic pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca made clear Sunni-Shiite geopolitical tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
OIC Chief's Visit to Bangladesh Signals South Asian Focus
August 24, 2016
The Saudi Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is making his third trip in as many years to Bangladesh at the start of a four-country, South Asian junket by the OIC chief, highlighting the region's importance to the 57-member-state organization whose charter is dedicated to promoting the interests of the global Muslim community in line with sharia law.
OIC Calls for UN Action on Jerusalem Holy Sites
August 24, 2016
The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation accused Israel of violating international law by enabling the "desecration of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque" and called on the UN Security Council to take action against "Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian" holy sites in Jerusalem.
OIC Targets Gulenists and Aims to Expand Global Presence
July 28, 2016
In preparation for the upcoming Foreign Ministers' Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the 57-member-state multilateral group is considering Turkey's proposal to blacklist the movement of US-based Turkish cleric Fetullah Gulen as a terrorist organization and reviewing plans to expand OIC offices in non-OIC countries.
GMM Leader Seeks OIC Meeting on Islamophobia
July 18, 2016
The Malaysian leadership of the Global Movement of Moderates initiative in the UN is urging an emergency meeting of the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to discuss the recent slew of international terrorist attacks "falsely attributed to Islam" and to develop OIC measures to counter the consequent "escalation of Islamphobia narratives within the Western world."
Clinton State Dept Faces Renewed Criticism on Islamic Blasphemy
July 11, 2016
The US presidential election campaign has revived concerns about how the State Department under Hillary Clinton failed to reject unqualifiedly the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's efforts to use the UN Human Rights Council to advance a global Islamic blasphemy law to criminalize criticism of Islam.
OIC Denounces UN Gender, Sexual Orientation Resolution
July 06, 2016
The 57 member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation condemned the newly passed UN Human Rights Council resolution on “protection against discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity” as an effort to impose alien socio-cultural and religious frameworks on OIC countries.
Sharia Law and OIC Presence Expand in West Africa
June 15, 2016
The government of the Gambia's prohibition of music during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and the upcoming Organisation of Islamic Cooperation summit there will likely reinforce the influence of sharia law in the country.