OIC Anti-Terrorism Document Focuses on Islamophobia and Self-Determination Movements
May 06, 2015
The Parliamentary Union of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") approved a draft version of an Islamic Parliamentary Charter on Action against Terrorism and Extremism, which rejects any correlation of terrorism with "resistance to foreign occupation" and emphasizes the education of non-Muslims in preventing "incitement and provocative acts taken against Islam."
OIC and China Pledge to Strengthen Ties
May 04, 2015
The conclusion of a high-level delegation visit to China by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") produced a strategic agreement for enhancement of political, economic and cultural cooperation between Beijing and the 57-member-state entity, although the OIC stressed its priorities as the condition of Muslims in China.
OIC Chief Calls for Integration of Media and Message for Muslim World
May 01, 2015
The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") has called for OIC member-states to develop integrated media organs, aimed toward combating Islamophobia and reshaping media messages about linkages between Islam and violence.
OIC Looks to Expand Relationship with Philippines
April 22, 2015
An official leadership delegation of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") concluded a recent visit to the Philippines, centered on efforts to restart stalled peace negotiations between the government in Manila and pro-autonomy Islamic guerrilla groups in the country, and the OIC leadership announced the possibility of expanding relations with the Philippines by granting the government observer status in the 57-member-state organization.
OIC Leader Says Islamist Militants Misinterpret Jihad
April 20, 2015
The Secretary General of the global, multilateral Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") criticized militant extremists such as the Islamic State ("IS") for their erroneous interpretation of jihad, which he defined as a Muslim's way of becoming a good person, rather than ISIS's willingness to kill women and children and for failure to fight Israel.
OIC Plans Expanded Engagement with China
April 20, 2015
An official delegation from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") is arriving in China to discuss expanding areas of engagement between "the Muslim world and China," as well as to address the Israeli-Palestinian issue, OIC concerns about Islamophobia and the condition of Muslims in China.
OIC Initiatives in Philippines Conflict Resolution Reflects Active Agenda in Southeast Asia
April 15, 2015
The current visit of the Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") to Malaysia aims to secure Kuala Lumpur's support for advancing the OIC peace initiative related to Islamist secessionist violence in the Philippines, as well as to broaden the OIC's agenda for broader economic, political, and educational activism in Southeast Asia.
OIC Organizing Global Muslim Youth to Combat Islamophobia
April 13, 2015
The leadership of the global-multilateral Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") has named Istanbul, Turkey as the inaugural "capital of Muslim youth," with a Summer 2015 conference planned to launch expanded programmatic activities for promoting integration and solidarity of Muslim youth around the world and for training in methods to combat Islamophobia and in conflict resolution.
OIC Will Use Development Aid to Africa for Broader Strategy of Global Islamist Integration
April 13, 2015
The leadership of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation ("COMCEC") of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") recently announced plans for a sizable increase in development project funding to African countries, and emphasized that the OIC's economic development platforms will be carefully designed to promote greater economic integration as the necessary step to promote "a prosperous Islamic Ummah based on the principles of solidarity and interdependence, enhanced mobility and good governance."
OIC Calls for Global Muslim Solidarity for Pilgrimages to Jerusalem
April 08, 2015
Representatives of the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s ("OIC") Commission for Economic, Social and Cultural Affairs met in Saudi Arabia, calling for increased social, cultural, and economic integration of member-states and for global Muslim solidarity to support regular, coordinated pilgrimages to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (al-Quds).