OIC Chief Condemns IS Mass Execution of Egyptian Christians
February 18, 2015
The Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") issued an official condemnation of the mass beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya by the Islamic State ("IS"), referring to the mass executions as a "barbaric act" and calling on warring Libyan forces to find common ground to stave off the consolidation of terrorist control in the country.
Global Islamic Organization Slams U.S. for Islamophobia
February 18, 2015
The 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") slammed the United States for "rising Islamophobia" and a climate of hatred toward Muslims, following the recent homicide of three Muslim students at the University of North Carolina in what police have concluded was a dispute over a parking space.
OIC Calls for Blasphemy Law Seemingly Exempt Islam
February 16, 2015
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") is using the recent terror attacks by Muslim gunmen against the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo to lobby the United Nations to pass a global blasphemy law to criminalize speech and press deemed "insulting to religion," but the OIC perspective seems to exempt Islam, whose core texts curse Christians as infidels, refer to crosses as idols, and use defamatory language towards Christian beliefs and persons.
OIC Applauds France for Equating Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia
February 16, 2015
The Saudi-headquartered, global Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") applauded France's equation of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism as forms of hatred, while condemning American media for "facilitating the campaigns of Islam haters" and accusing U.S. law enforcement of targeting Muslim communities for surveillance.
Pakistan Pushes OIC to Lead on Kashmir Problem
February 09, 2015
Pakistan is calling for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC"), as the representative of the global Muslim community, to press India and the United Nations to allow the population, the majority of which is Muslim, of Indian-controlled Kashmir to vote for self-determination.
OIC Condemns ISIS Hostage Beheading and Hints at Influence of "Foreign Interests"
February 04, 2015
The 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") headquartered in Saudi Arabia and claiming official representation of the worldwide Muslim community, condemned the beheading of a Japanese hostage by The Islamic State ("IS") and suggested that foreign influences with "certain political purposes and agendas" have penetrated "radical movements" such as IS.
Pakistani Religious Parties Call for OIC to Push For Global Blasphemy Law
January 26, 2015
Pakistan's myriad Islamist parties have staged public demonstrations in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo events, calling for a meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") to lay out a strategy, in the European Union and the United Nations, for passing global blasphemy laws that criminalize the "dishonour of religion."
OIC Passes Counter-Terrorism Resolution
January 26, 2015
The Parliamentary Union of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") met this week in Turkey and passed a counter-terrorism resolution declaring the 57 member-states' commitment to combat "the spread of terrorism, violence and extremist ideologies which are all against the moderation and tolerance of Islam."
OIC Supports Global Blasphemy Protections for Islam
January 21, 2015
Despite condemning the recent violence against Charlie Hebdo, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC") has not altered its policy priority of lobbying for global blasphemy laws that would criminalize any criticism against Islam.
Global Islamic Group Contemplates Blasphemy Lawsuit
January 20, 2015
The Secretary General of the 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ("OIC"), the global Islamic group that has long lobbied the United Nations to pass a global blasphemy law against criticism of Islam, announced that the OIC is pursuing legal means to prosecute the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo for offending Islam by the new round of cartoons published by the paper.