Violence and Security

  • Islamist Resilience in Af-Pak Poses Threat to US

    May 09, 2017

    Many American security and defense officials view the resilience and growth in Afghanistan of two lethal Islamist terror organizations, al-Qaeda and the Taliban, despite nearly two decades of US-led war to eliminate their ideological and military presence in Southwest Asia, as a real and present threat to the US.

  • IS Expands into Egyptian Sinai

    May 09, 2017

    Islamic State (IS) militants are expanding their control over the geopolitically important Sinai Peninsula bordering Egypt and Israel, deploying a "religious morality police" to impose sharia law, inciting terror through targeted violence against Coptic Christians, and using beheadings and kidnappings as punitive measures to oppose any resistance from Sinai residents.

  • Intel Suggests Al-Qaeda, IS Discussions on Jihadi Unity

    May 08, 2017

    Iraqi intelligence services are reporting that al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS) leaders have initiated exploratory discussions about the possibility of the two Islamist extremist organizations moving toward a more collaborative, rather than competitive, model of global jihadism.

  • IS Targets NATO Convoy Near US Embassy in Kabul

    May 08, 2017

    The Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing attack with multiple civilian casualties after the IS perpetrator targeted a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) convoy passing the US Embassy in the Afghan capital city of Kabul.

  • US Report Identifies Risk of Islamist Truck Terror Attacks

    May 08, 2017

    The Transportation Security Administration has released a report that assesses rising threat levels associated with the use of trucks by Islamic State (IS) actors directed by IS leadership to use vehicles to perpetrate lethal jihadi attacks inside America and other Western countries.

  • Families of Terror Victims Sue Internet Giants

    May 08, 2017

    Families of the victims of the 2015 San Bernardino terrorist attacks perpetrated by Islamic State (IS) sympathizers have filed a lawsuit in US courts against Facebook, Google, and Twitter, charging that the social media behemoths provide a de facto platform and material support for the propagation of Islamist radicalization, recruitment, and violence.

  • UK Legislators Push for Online "Hate Speech" Fines

    May 03, 2017

    The UK House of Commons' home affairs committee has published a report calling for the government to criminalize the failure of social media companies to remove "hate speech" from their platforms and to impose substantial fines on such companies to cover the costs to police of removing "illegal" and extremist content.

  • OSCE: Prioritize Rights to Combat Terror Influx

    May 03, 2017

    The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the International Commission of Jurists recently hosted an expert meeting in Warsaw to inform the development of global guidance toward prioritizing "human rights-compliant and gender sensitive implementation of legislation and policies" to combat the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters.

  • OSCE Teaching Materials Combat Anti-Islam "Intolerance"

    May 03, 2017

    The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights recently hosted in Dublin the first round of consultations on the development of materials for teachers around the world aimed at combating intolerance toward Muslims in line with global human rights standards.

  • Deadly Attack on Military Base Underscores re-Talibanization of Afghanistan

    April 26, 2017

    Despite 16 years of massive US security and development assistance aimed at consolidating the Afghan government's control of the country, the Taliban has demonstrated its resilience and expanding rural-urban footprint by perpetrating a high-casualty attack on one of Afghanistan's largest military bases.

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