Violence and Security

  • Activists Confront Radicalization with Interfaith Cooperation

    February 08, 2017

    In an effort to prevent the creeping influence of militant Islamist ideas and groups from fragile states of Nigeria, Mali, and Libya, interfaith activists in Niger have organized local Christian-Muslim dialogue committees to promote civic culture built on principles of tolerance and the renunciation of violence for dispute resolution.

  • Turkey Attacks Point to Growing Terror Pipeline

    February 08, 2017

    Arrests of the perpetrators of a spate of recent Islamic State (IS) terror attacks in Turkey have raised red flags about the former Soviet republics as a growing radicalization and recruitment space for violent Islamism.

  • Italy Arrests Reveal Terror, Organized Crime Links

    February 08, 2017

    The arrest by Italian law enforcement officials of a group of individuals charged with trafficking arms to Islamic State operatives has intensified concerns among European intelligence and security actors about collaboration between organized crime entities and Islamist radicalization.

  • Turkey Stages Coordinated Raids on Jihadi Cells

    February 08, 2017

    In an effort to crack down on the growing domestic terrorism problem associated with homegrown Islamic State sympathizers, Turkish security officials staged a raid on suspected jihadi cells in 18 provinces across the country.

  • Hezbollah Expands Islamist Presence in Latin America

    February 08, 2017

    The Iran-backed Lebanese Islamist militant group Hezbollah is continuing to expand its Western Hemisphere presence based on decades-long operations in Latin America, relying on a sophisticated array of organized criminal activities and political patronage to support global Islamist extremist activities.

  • Louvre Attack Raises New Terrorism Concerns

    February 08, 2017

    French media report a sense of popular anxiety over the possibility of yet another spate of Islamist terror attacks in the country in the wake of a machete attack at Paris's famous Louvre museum by an Egyptian man who shouted Islamic declarations at the moment of attack.

  • Experts Link Global Islamism, Authoritarian Regimes

    February 03, 2017

    Some experts argue that the global jihadist movement receives support from authoritarian "Muslim regimes and governments who have appropriated Salafist-Wahhabist symbols" to divert attention from economic deprivation at home and to justify jihadi-civilizational attacks against non-Muslim and Muslim targets.

  • Germany Arrests Suspected Repeat Terrorist

    February 03, 2017

    German authorities have arrested a Tunisian asylum seeker suspected of connections with a 2015 Islamic State (IS) attack in Tunisia on charges of recruiting jihadis in Germany and of plotting another IS terror attack in Europe.

  • Mosul Muslims Oppose Imposition of Islamism

    February 03, 2017

    In areas of the Iraqi city of Mosul liberated from Islamic State (IS) control, local Muslims report that the violent extremism of IS has engendered a sociological shift away from the arbitrary imposition of Islam and toward religious practice and observance as a matter of choice.

  • UN Chief: Trump Order Fails to Guard US Security

    February 03, 2017

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has opined that the Trump Administration's order raising barriers to refugees and other migrants from countries it deems a security threat is not the way "to best protect the US or any other country" from the dangers of "terrorist infiltration."

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