German Court: Beer Hall Must Host AfD Event
May 12, 2016
According to Politico, a German court has held that a Munich beer hall that has hosted meetings of various German political parties cannot back out of its event contract with anti-migration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) in spite of the venue's stated security concerns over AfD's manifesto assertion that "Islam does not belong in Germany."
Rose Criticizes Danish Proposal on "Anti-Democratic" Speech
May 12, 2016
Author and journalist Flemming Rose raises concerns that a Danish Government proposal seeking to prevent terrorism by banning the expression of "anti-democratic" opinions and "religious speech" that poses risks to public order could instead be used to tamp down the diversity of legitimate opinions in the country.
UN Trains Journalists to Embrace "Intercultural Sensitivity"
May 11, 2016
UNESCO recently hosted a workshop in Nairobi for journalism teachers and practitioners from Africa and the US aimed at developing "interculturally sensitive editorial policies" in media and encouraging journalists to take part in campaigns opposing "xenophobia, racism, and other hatreds" that might cause violence.
UNESCO Promotes Migrant Inclusion Policies in Cities
May 11, 2016
In partnership with the European Coalition of Cities against Racism, UNESCO recently hosted a roundtable in Paris for local authorities in Europe on the role of cities in promoting the inclusion and integration of migrants in society.
UN Guides Teachers How to Discuss Violent Extremism
May 11, 2016
As part of its program on Global Citizenship Education, UNESCO has released a Teacher Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism that seeks "inclusive" classroom discussions and "respectful dialogue" to counter extremist views.
France Turns to Rehab Centers to Contain Jihadists
May 09, 2016
The French Government has announced that, in addition to boosting security personnel and protection of targeted sites, the country will establish anti-jihadist rehabilitation centers to de-radicalize young people active in radical Islamist networks and counter the threat of terrorism in the country.
NGO: Tennessee Faces $165 Million Annual Bill for Refugees
May 09, 2016
Don Barnett of the Center for Immigration Studies has estimated that the State of Tennessee pays at least $165 million annually in costs, including medical care and education expenses, related to the US federal refugee resettlement program.
EU Commission Seeks to Ease Travel for Turkish Nationals
May 04, 2016
The European Commission has issued a proposal recommending that the EU permit visa-free travel for Turkish nationals in the bloc, in exchange for Turkey's acceptance of the return of migrants from the Middle East as well as assurances that the Turkish government will implement constitutional reforms on security and civil liberties by the end of June.
UN Document Seeks to Counter Religious Hate Speech
May 04, 2016
Participants at a recent conference hosted in Baku by the UN Alliance of Civilizations adopted an outcome document that seeks to promote the growth of "inclusive societies" in part by condemning "any advocacy of religious hatred" that could incite "discrimination, hostility or violence."
UN Observer Warns of Terror as Excuse for Speech Restrictions
May 04, 2016
Praising the role of free expression in "promoting equality and in combating intolerance," UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression David Kaye and free speech watchdogs from other organizations have warned that governments have been using the war on terror to justify restrictions on free speech and access to information.