Path of IS Bombers Spotlights Terror Threat in Europe
April 25, 2016
An article in The Washington Post describing the journey into Europe of two bombers in the November 2015 Paris terror attacks and two would-be bombers who were arrested in Austria demonstrates how the mass influx of migrants in Greece and open borders among EU member states have facilitated Islamic State ("IS") plots to infiltrate and attack European targets.
OSCE Hosts Kazakhstan Seminar on Online Hate Speech
April 21, 2016
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") recently hosted a seminar for officials in Kazakhstan on how to promote free speech on the internet and how to counter online "hate speech" that might cause "hatred or intolerance of others."
OSCE Seeks Tolerance-based Approach to Security
April 20, 2016
At a recent Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") meeting in Vienna, OSCE officials called on governments to place "tolerance and non-discrimination" at the center of their security strategies and discussed state responses to internet hate speech and intolerance.
Resolution on Refugee Lawsuit Clears Tennessee Legislature
April 20, 2016
Citing security and cost concerns, the Tennessee State Legislature has passed a resolution directing state officials to sue the US federal government to overturn its refugee resettlement program on the ground that the program violates the US Constitution.
Germany Prosecutes Anti-Islamic Leader for Hate Speech
April 20, 2016
The head of German anti-Islamic group Pegida went on trial this week for violating the country's laws against hate speech by referring to refugees in Germany as "scum" and "cattle" on social media.
CoE Official Calls for Restrained Security Approach to Terror Threat
April 20, 2016
The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ("CoE"), Pedro Agramunt, has called for countries to refrain from adopting wide-ranging, "dangerous" security measures in response to recent terrorist attacks and to "subordinate" national interest in favor of the "collective need" in countering extremism.
CoE Official Criticizes German Party Positions on Islam
April 20, 2016
Amid rising tensions in Germany and other European countries over the impact of migrants from predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Secretary General of the Council of Europe ("CoE") Thorbjørn Jagland has warned that "anti-Islam" positions of the German political party Alternative for Germany contravene values on which the CoE is based.
Belgium Investigates Reports of New IS Fighter Deployment
April 20, 2016
AP reports that Belgian officials are maintaining a high security alert level as they investigate reports that the Islamic State ("IS") has deployed new fighters to the country.
Profile Details French Youths' Turn to Radical Islam
April 18, 2016
In a profile of the threat in the French suburb Sevran of young Muslims traveling to Syria to wage jihad with the Islamic State ("IS"), Claire Sergent and Katy Lee highlight the complex challenges faced by families of IS targets for radicalization and of local authorities who argue they do not receive sufficient government support to counter the threat.
McCarthy Describes Saudi Links to 9/11 Attacks
April 18, 2016
As Congress considers whether to demand that a portion of the 9/11 report chronicling the possible involvement of Saudi Arabian officials with terrorism in the US be released to the public, former US prosecutor Andrew McCarthy explains the connection.