Critics Implicate German Media in Avoiding Refugee Coverage
January 20, 2016
Following the perceived failure of German media outlets to cover the role refugees have played in recent attacks in the country, including a mass sexual assault outside a Cologne train station on New Year's Eve, critics have charged the media with refusing to run negative stories on refugees in order to avoid fueling the anti-immigration agenda of some German political groups.
Media Strategy Shows IS State-Building Approach
January 19, 2016
The media outfit known as Amaq News Agency, which is closely linked to the Islamic State's ("IS") propaganda machine, offers sophisticated reportage and spin on IS, functioning with all the hallmarks of totalitarian state news operations.
Chinese Step up Actions Against Uighur Muslims Under Countering Islamist Extremism Policy
January 19, 2016
Chinese officials are preparing to draft new regulations on countering religious extremism, aimed at the Uighur Muslim population in western China, whom Beijing blames for an uptick in violent Islamist attacks in the county but whom international rights groups defend as victims of Han Chinese ethnic and religious discrimination.
Indonesian President's Response to IS Attacks Emphasizes Policing Approach to Violent Islamism
January 19, 2016
Indonesia's President issued an official response to the recent terror attack by Islamic State ("IS") sympathizers, choosing to emphasize policing, rule of law, and societal-cohesion policies, rather than counter-terrorism, as the optimal response to Islamist jihadi groups trying to penetrate the world's largest Muslim-majority country.
French Officials Warn IS Is Seeking Chemical Weapons
January 19, 2016
France's Prime Minister has requested that Parliament extend the country's state of emergency for three months, warning that the Islamic State's ("IS") recent terror attack in Paris could be a prelude to the group's efforts to acquire chemical and biological weapons for future jihadist attacks.
Saudi-Iran Competition Fuels Islamist Radicalization in Pakistan
January 19, 2016
Pakistan is becoming an ever-intensifying target for cooptation in the competition for hegemony in global Islamic geopolitics between two Islamist extremist regimes, Saudi Arabia and Iran, with massive funding by both countries to Pakistan's Islamic parochial schools and Saudi pressures on Pakistan to join Sunni-led sectarian military ventures against pro-Iran Shiite regimes in the Mideast.
Assault in Burkina Faso Reflects African Sweep of Violent Islamism
January 19, 2016
The high-casualty attack on a hotel in the capital of the African nation of Burkina Faso by a local affiliate of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ("AQIM") points to the emergence of Africa as a new front line in the globalization of violent Islamist groups that take advantage of corrupt governments, endemic poverty, and criminality to radicalize and recruit from local populations.
Evolving Global Jihadist Landscape Presents Complex Challenges for US Response
January 19, 2016
The increasingly competitive global Islamist landscape, exemplified by hegemonic struggles between the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, involves two alternative models, one focused on violence to fast-track implantation of sharia and the other on the gradualist imposition of sharia through gains in local support, thereby demanding a more complex, differentiated threat response by the United States.
Jakarta Attack Shows Broad Reach of IS
January 19, 2016
The Associated Press reports that the Islamic State ("IS") recent suicide bombings in the capital of Indonesia, funded through an Indonesian national who is now based in Syria, demonstrates IS's ability to finance and carry out deadly attacks across the globe.
Radical Islamization in Malaysia Produces Societal Tensions and Security Threats
January 15, 2016
Radical Islamization in Malaysia, supported by an influx of funds and radical imams from Saudi Arabia, is increasing socio-cultural tensions caused by the Arabization of Malaysian Islam and is aggravating security risks associated with recruitment by Islamic State ("IS") actors.