Boko Haram Uses Jihadi Terror in Nigeria over Christmas Holidays
December 28, 2015
Boko Haram, the radical Islamist group waging jihad to bring sharia to all of Nigeria, launched a series of suicide bombings and bike attacks against civilian populations in northeastern Nigeria, raising the specter of a protracted, pro-Islamic State insurgency across West Africa.
Christmas Reminds of Syrian Christian Plight from IS Cleansing
December 28, 2015
Refugee status in Lebanon is the Christmas reality for most of Syria's ancient Christian community, which originated in Biblical times and has gradually fled targeted beheadings, kidnappings-for-random, and property-and-livelihood-destruction by an Islamic State ("IS") militia aiming to cleanse Syria of its ten-percent Christian population.
IS Orders Torture of Civilians in Battle of Fallujah
December 28, 2015
Islamic State ("IS") leadership has issued orders to its fighters to dress like Iraqi government security forces and to film torture of civilians as part of any tactical retreat in the ongoing battle for Fallujah with Iraqi and international coalition forces.
Women Play Key Role in Civilian Fight Against Nigerian Islamists
December 28, 2015
Nigerian women are playing a noticeable role in the local intelligence activities of the civilian joint task force organized to counter the spread of Boko Haram, the violent Islamist group whose goal is implementation of sharia throughout the country.
"Anonymous" Hacktivists Target Turkey for Supporting IS
December 28, 2015
The international hacktivist group Anonymous has declared "counter-terrorism cyber-war" against Turkey for its support of the Islamic State ("IS"), staging a massive cyber attack on the Turkish sector of the internet and threatening to collapse the country's banking system because of Ankara's purchases of IS oil.
Global Relief Map of Islamic State Shows Expanding Caliphate
December 28, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") has expanded the global presence of its caliphate since 2014 to locations in the Mideast, Africa, the Caucasus, and South Asia, through a network of jihadist groups that have pledged loyalty to IS and with a mixture of territorial conquest and control, as well as financial and propaganda support to the caliphate core in Syria and Iraq.
US Congress Seeks Firm Stand from President on Visa Waiver Reforms
December 28, 2015
POLITICO reports that as international objections arise over a US law that restricts the US visa waiver system in the wake of terrorist attacks associated with the Islamic State, members of the US Congress are calling for President Obama to stand firm on the restrictions in light of signals that the Administration may waive them for some Iranian and other nationals.
UN Officials Warn of Religious Hate Speech
December 22, 2015
Citing provisions in international human-rights instruments prohibiting the "advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred," UN Special Advisers Adama Dieng and Jennifer Welsh have issued a joint statement calling on governments and political leaders to counter hostility toward and discrimination against Muslims in the wake of terrorist attacks linked to the Islamic State.
IS Depends on Cause and Comrades to Promote Its Global Islamist Revolution
December 21, 2015
Because the success of the Islamic State ("IS") in promoting its vision for a global Islamist caliphate has been built on the core logics of historical revolutionary movements, in the form of a revolutionary vanguard that assiduously cultivates followers committed to sacred cause and comrades, policies to defeat IS should draw on historical strategies for countering revolutionary movements.
British Government Review of Muslim Brotherhood Critiqued for Lack of Clarity
December 21, 2015
The British Government's release of its yearlong internal review of the Muslim Brotherhood ("MB") provoked criticism from some counter-terrorism experts, who chastised the report for its failure to provide practical value for Western policy planning, given the unclear language whereby the MB is not defined as a terrorist group, yet membership in the MB and a wide network of affiliate Islamic organizations is characterized as "possible indicators of extremism."