Jihadi Subculture Is a Form of Soft Power for Violent Islamism
December 21, 2015
Terrorism experts analyzing the expansive and complex subculture of militant jihadism made up of the continuous production of music, fashion, and poetry assert that this subculture glorifies extremist Islamism as a way of life and serve as a significant soft-power recruiting tool for the Islamic State ("IS").
Canada's Multiculturalism Approach Is Viewed as Opportunity for Islamist Extremism
December 21, 2015
The Ontario branch of al-Huda, the religious school that San Bernardino killer Tashfeen Malik attended in Pakistan, has become a lightning rod for security concerns in Canada surrounding the country's multiculturalism policies.
IS Exports Caliphate Terror to Southwest Asia
December 21, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") has made significant inroads in expanding the footprint of its caliphate into Southwest Asia, establishing the Khorasan Province in Afghanistan as a base to project into Iran and Central Asian states and exporting the brutal Islamist practices of beheadings, hostage-taking, and extortive taxes.
US-Funded Charities Call on Taxpayers to "Care for Refugees"
December 21, 2015
Michael Patrick Leahy writes that a recent summit hosted by Christian charity World Relief, which is receiving $1 billion per year from the US Refugee Resettlement Program, that called for an "evangelical response" in caring for refugees entering the US from the Middle East and Africa is part of a general public-relations push to continue this flow of federal aid.
IS-Hamas Cooperation Exacerbates Mideast Instability
December 21, 2015
The alliance of convenience in the Egyptian Sinai between traditionally-opposed Islamist radical groups, Hamas and the Islamic State ("IS"), with support for the former from Qatar and Turkey, is heightening instability for both Israel and Turkey and threatening to radicalize Palestinian Muslims in Gaza.
Internet Footprint of US Extremist Imam Raises First Amendment and Security Dilemmas
December 21, 2015
Calls by some security experts for internet providers to limit the massive digital footprint of Islamist extremism by the late US jihadi Anwar al-Awlaki are raising complex questions about balancing First Amendment protections against counter-terrorism priorities, which some American Muslim activists are reducing to religious discrimination.
US and Russia Cooperate in United Nations to Strangle IS Finance for Terror
December 18, 2015
The UN Security Council adopted a US- and Russia-sponsored resolution seeking to strangle the funding streams - from oil sales, antiquities plunder, slave trafficking, and ransom and taxes on religious minorities - by which the Islamic State ("IS") finances its jihad terrorism and caliphate.
IS Is Globalizing the Footprint of Violent Sharia
December 17, 2015
The deliberate and steady cultivation and consolidation of regional affiliates with declared organizational loyalty and operational integration into the Islamic State ("IS") has occurred within the past 18 months, establishing a robust, global footprint of violent Islamism from the Mideast to Africa to the Caucasus and Southwest Asia.
Internet Platforms Agree to Remove "Hate Speech" in Germany
December 17, 2015
Time reports that, amid rising concerns among German officials about the growing number of "hateful messages" regarding migrants posted to social media, internet companies Google, Facebook, and Twitter have agreed with the German Government to remove such "hate speech" from their platforms, though it is unclear how broad the definition of such speech will be.
Brand: Renew Discussion on US Intelligence Gathering
December 16, 2015
Member of the US Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Rachel Brand writes that, following the San Bernardino attacks, there must be a renewed, measured debate over the balance between civil liberties and intelligence gathering, and asserts that the US must equip its intelligence services with sufficient authority to detect and pursue terrorist threats.