Violence and Security

  • Indonesian Muslim Organization Pushes Back Against Islamist Extremism

    December 07, 2015

    The Government of Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, is cooperating with the country's leading Islamic public organization to spearhead systematic public education and religious training efforts aimed at countering the spread of the totalitarian extremist Islamism promoted by Islamic State ("IS").

  • Boko Haram's Female Jihadis Attack Chad

    December 07, 2015

    Three female suicide bombers from Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamist extremist group that has been steadily expanding its war to impose sharia across West Africa, carried out a series of lethal attacks in the Lake Chad region marked by the militant group's deadly campaigns.

  • US Policy Debates on Mideast Refugees Provoke Questions About Islamism

    December 07, 2015

    The recent Islamic State ("IS") assault in Paris has ignited a firestorm of debate about US policy for Syrian and Iraqi refugees, especially given serious questions about the pernicious threats to constitutional liberties and security posed by refugees who are strictly compliant with sharia law.

  • US and Russia Lead on UN Resolution Targeting IS Finances

    December 07, 2015

    The United States and Russia are leading the effort for a UN Security Council resolution aimed to strangle the financial resources of the Islamic State ("IS"), including sanctions and prosecution for those involved in trade with IS.

  • Debates Continue on Preventive Action in US Against Violent Islamism

    December 02, 2015

    The aftershocks of the Islamic State's ("IS") terror attacks in Paris continue in US policy and media debates about optimal measures to prevent radical Islamist recruiting and attacks inside America, as analysis focuses on the salience of distinguishing between Islamism and Muslims.

  • Brits Debate Whether War Against IS Will Prevent Domestic Attacks by Islamist Extremists

    December 02, 2015

    British Prime Minister David Cameron's push to expand the country's presence in the anti-Islamic State ("IS") coalition in the Mideast has provoked debate about the preventive versus aggravative consequences for the domestic level, given the radicalizing influence and extremist threats of returning jihadis to Britain.

  • Report on IS Recruits in US Raises Red Flags about Radicalization

    December 02, 2015

    The findings of a comprehensive study by George Washington University of known Islamic State ("IS") recruits in America reveal accelerated growth in sympathizers for the group, with social media critical to the spread of radical Islamist ideas and networks for a broad spectrum of IS activities.

  • IS Forces Expand Caliphate Across Mediterranean Basin

    November 30, 2015

    Libya has become the secondary focal point, outside of Syria and Iraq, for the Islamic State's ("IS") expansion of its caliphate around the Mediterranean Basin, and the establishment of violent Sharia penal practices and extortive tax practices is producing an extremist Islamist order directly across from Europe's southern shores.

  • British Struggle to Prosecute Jihadi Propagandists While Protecting Free Speech

    November 30, 2015

    British Islamist preachers using speech and media freedoms to propagate the globalization of the Islamic State ("IS") and the imposition of sharia law in Britain are creating security and rights dilemmas for the country's legal and security establishments.

  • Attack on Shiites Is Latest Sign of Rising Islamist Extremism Bangladesh

    November 30, 2015

    An Islamic State ("IS") attack on a Shiite mosque in Bangladesh is the latest episode in a spate of growing Islamist extremist attacks and threats targeting the country's secular bloggers, Christians, and Shiite Muslims.

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