Evolving IS Strategy Suggests a State with Global Reach
November 18, 2015
The evolution in the Islamic State's ("IS") jihadist strategy over the past few weeks, including shocking assaults on civilian targets, from a Russian airliner over Sinai to pro-Hezbollah neighborhoods in Beirut to social sites in Paris, suggests the IS leadership's confidence in acting like a state with global reach beyond the core caliphate borders in Iraq and Syria.
IS Takes Sunni Jihad to Lebanon with Attack on Hezbollah Shiites in Lebanon
November 18, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") took aim at Lebanon for Hezbollah's support for the al-Assad's regime and war against IS, carrying out suicide bombings in pro-Hezbollah Shiite neighborhoods of Lebanon's capital Beirut.
IS Declares War Against France with Deadly Paris Massacre
November 18, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") has declared jihad against France, claiming responsibility for a lethal series of coordinated attacks against civilian targets in Paris and pledging continued assaults on France for its role in the coalition against the IS caliphate.
Senegal's Leader Calls for Moderation to Counter Islamist Extremism
November 18, 2015
Taking a stand against the spread of Islamist extremist violence and black-market activities in West Africa, Senegal's president called for the training of imams to promote theological and philosophical tolerance in Islam.
Police Raids Arrest Jihadists Plotting Attacks in Europe and Mideast
November 18, 2015
A coordinated police dragnet across Europe has resulted in the arrest of a massive jihadi recruiting and operations network planning attacks on targets in Europe and the Mideast.
Sunni Islamist Extremists Commit Murderous Fratricide Against Shiites in Afghanistan
November 11, 2015
In reaction to last week's brutal beheadings of seven Shiites by Sunni extremists of the Islamic State ("IS"), who also enjoy affiliation with Taliban splinter groups, Afghans turned out to protest the failure of the country's security apparatus to halt the expansion of Islamist sectarian fratricide.
West Africa Under Siege by Boko Haram
November 11, 2015
The government of Chad has imposed a state of emergency in the Lake Chad region of West Africa following the recent female suicide bombing against a mosque in Cameroon, the calling card of Boko Haram violence aimed at spreading sharia law from Nigeria throughout West Africa.
Bosnian Courts Crack Down on Salafists Recruitment for Jihad in Syria
November 11, 2015
Bosnia's judiciary is cracking down on the country's Salafist leaders, in a series of fines and jail sentences aimed to disrupt radical Islamist recruitment networks that function as European feeders into a pipeline for jihadis to Syria.
Islamist Extremists in Bangladesh Use History and Modernity to Justify Violence
November 11, 2015
The spate of assassinations of secular bloggers and foreign workers in Bangladesh reflects the deliberate effort by global and local Islamists to capitalize on Bangladesh's history of divisions over the role of religion in the state and to present Islamism as the solution to the country's uneven economic development and rapid urbanization.
IS Systematically Enslaves and Sells Yazidi Women
November 11, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") had established systematic practices for the enslavement, bondage, and sale of Yazidi women (an indigenous religious minority in the Mideast) who were captured from the 2014 assault on Mt. Sinjar in Iraq, as verified in the testimonies of escapees.