Violence and Security

  • Radicalization of China's Uighur Muslims Reflected in Death Threats Against Novelist

    October 05, 2015

    The measurable Islamist radicalization of China's large ethnic-Uighur Muslim population, aggravated by the penetration of foreign extremist-jihadi groups and Beijing's reactionary repression, is reflected in the blasphemy accusations against a renowned Uighur novelist.

  • Boko Haram Uses Child Suicide Bombers in Latest Attack in Nigeria

    October 05, 2015

    Four children between the ages of nine and fifteen were used in the latest suicide attack, on a mosque, by the fanatical Islamist militant group Boko Haram, which is targeting Christians and "non-conforming" Muslims alike in a war to impose sharia law throughout Nigeria.

  • Taliban Commit War Crimes in Move to Expand Sharia in Afghanistan

    October 02, 2015

    The Taliban have committed mass murder, gang rape, and other civilian atrocities in their ongoing offensive to hold the strategic city of Kunduz and to expand the reach of sharia rule in Afghanistan.

  • Violent Islamism Feeds on Conditions Created by Fundamentalist Islamist States

    October 02, 2015

    The jihadist resilience of the Islamic State ("IS") project to create a global caliphate continues to draw strength from the extremist interpretations of Islam propagated and globally funded by regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as from the radicalizing dynamics caused by the repressive domestic conditions associated with such regimes.

  • Female Brit Jihadis Show Libya Emerging as Key Zone for IS Activities Across Continents

    September 28, 2015

    The social media accounts of three female British jihadis point to Libya as an emerging geographical zone of Islamist extremist activity, including the consolidation of the Islamic State's ("IS") control in North Africa and Libya as a transit zone for jihadi fighters heading to the Mideast and for jihadi attacks against European targets.

  • Resilience of Islamist Militants Complicates US Train-and-Equip Program in Syria

    September 28, 2015

    Confirmed reports that trainees turned over US weapons from the train-and-equip program for anti-radical forces in Syria to militants in the al-Qaeda affiliate, al-Nusra Front, have raised concerns about the resilience of extremist Islamist forces and ideas in Syria.

  • Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen the Outcome of Sectarian Wars in Islam

    September 28, 2015

    A Dutch-led effort to secure agreement for a fact-finding mission by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Yemen is gaining momentum, as the war between Saudi Arabia's Sunni Muslim coalition and the Iran-backed Shiite Muslim Houthi rebels controlling Yemen has produced massive civilian casualties that reports suggest may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  • Bangladesh Islamist Extremists Go for Global Vigilantism

    September 24, 2015

    Ansarullah Bangla Team ("ABT"), a militant Islamist group in Bangladesh responsible for murdering bloggers and activists in Bangladesh, has gone global with its vigilantism against "enemies of Islam," publishing a global hit list of bloggers and activists targeted for execution.

  • Militant Islamists Continue Jihadi Killings in Nigeria

    September 23, 2015

    Boko Haram, the Islamist extremist group waging a protracted war to impose sharia law throughout Nigeria and West Africa, carried out a series of lethal bombing attacks against Nigerian civilian targets, in an effort to regain momentum against the ongoing campaign by African Union Forces to defeat the jihadists.

  • Iraqi Soldiers Are Migrating to Europe After Abandoning Fight Against Islamic State

    September 21, 2015

    Reports from Iraq show that Iraqi Kurdish and Shiite soldiers, fatigued by unending violence and doubts about political leadership, are beginning to join the mass exodus of Syrian refugees fleeing the Islamic State's ("IS") jihad to expand its caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

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