Egypt Faces Challenge of Using Human Rights for Countering Islamist Terrorism
July 28, 2015
Egypt's government is struggling to find a balance between a human rights-based security strategy and a comprehensive counter-terrorism strategy as a means to finding a durable solution to the huge uptick in transnational Islamist terror attacks that have devastated the country over the year.
Islamists Use Child Suicide Bombers in Cameroon
July 28, 2015
In response to a spate of child suicide bombing attacks in Cameroon believed to have been perpetrated by infiltrators from the Nigerian Islamist militant group Boko Haram, the government has ordered the closure of mosques and Islamic schools to prevent new attacks.
British Prime Minister Ready for Military Action to Prevent Domestic Islamist Threats
July 28, 2015
Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron announced that the government is prepared to safeguard Britain against domestic terror threats from Islamist militants by undertaking air strikes against Islamic State ("IS") targets in Libya and Syria.
World Bank Loan to Nigeria Reflects Economic Costs of Militant Islamism
July 24, 2015
The massive economic costs of militant Islamism are reflected in the World Bank's decision to lend Nigeria's government $2.1 billion for rebuilding destroyed infrastructure and resettling of internally displaced persons, both of which are outcomes of widespread violence perpetrated by the Nigerian jihadi group, Boko Haram.
British Prime Minister Says Domestic Islamist Extremism on Rise
July 24, 2015
British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke publicly about rising Islamist extremist ideology, intolerance, and violence in England, and outlined a new proposal that combines socio-economic integration and security measures aimed at countering the phenomenon.
Former Egyptian Army Officer Calls for Jihad Against Government
July 24, 2015
A former officer in the Egyptian military, who is now one of the country's most notorious Islamist militants affiliated with both the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, publicly called on the country's Muslims to wage a holy war against the government of Egypt.
IS Leadership Combines Post-Modern Media Strategy with Medieval Brutality
July 22, 2015
In a tactical shift in the Islamic State's ("IS") media strategy, the organization's senior leadership has instructed the group's fighters to continue brutal beheadings as a social mechanism, but to refrain from mediatizing such terror techniques, in order to avoid repelling potential recruits.
IS Suicide Attack in Turkey Is Blowback Against Islamist Government
July 22, 2015
Turkey's Justice and Development Party, long criticized by Western governments for passively supporting the Islamic State ("IS"), is facing domestic blowback in the form of an IS suicide attack against the predominantly Kurdish town of Suruc inside Turkey's border with Syria.
Syrian Refugees Report Islamic State Uses Schools for Radicalization
July 21, 2015
Syrian refugees in Turkey are reporting widely that the Islamic State ("IS") is systematically converting Syria's schools captured by their militias into indoctrination camps for Islamist radicalization and jihadi recruitment.
Countering Tunisia's Radical Islamism Faces Complex Challenges
July 21, 2015
Although the recent terror bombings in Tunisia were attributed simply to the appeal of the Islamic State ("IS"), the radicalization of young Muslims in Tunisia is a complex process that originates with socioeconomic marginalization and political alienation factors on which radical groups like IS and the Muslim Brotherhood deliberately capitalize.