Violence and Security

  • Boko Haram Likely Perpetrators of Ramadan Attack on Muslims in Nigeria

    July 21, 2015

    The Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, which is committed to imposition of sharia law throughout Nigeria, is suspected in three recent suicide bombing that targeted Muslim civilians at an Eid celebration ending Ramadan.

  • Chattanooga Jihadi Attacker Showed Signs of Intentions

    July 21, 2015

    A review of the blog posts of Muhammed Youssuf Abdulazeez in the days before he committed a lethal jihadi attack against marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, shows his intentions to use violence in the name of strict Islamist precepts.

  • Islamic State Militants Manufactured Chemical Weapons

    July 21, 2015

    Evidence from recent Islamic State ("IS") attacks in Syria and Iraq indicates that the Islamist terror group has developed capabilities for manufacturing and operationalizing chemical weapons.

  • Ukraine's Turn to Islamist Militants in Fight with Russia Could Cause Threat to West

    July 16, 2015

    The presence of Islamic Battalions fighting by invitation with Ukrainian forces against Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine may present a longer term threat to Western strategic interests in the Black Sea area, since the militant Islamist fighters from Chechnya are committed to establishment of sharia law.

  • Muslim Brotherhood Leadership Debates Strategies of Violence

    July 15, 2015

    The leadership of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood ("MB") has intensified debates about the organization's use of various types of violence, including jihadi-style terror attacks and "smart violence" against governed and security targets, as part of the MB's goal of overthrowing the current government in Cairo.

  • Islamist Extremism Spreading in Sweden's Suburbs

    July 14, 2015

    Swedish media, civic groups, and government officials are expressing more publicly the degree of concern regarding policies to counter the creeping expansion of radical Islamist ideas, illegal activities related to Islamist terrorism, and jihadi recruiting patterns in the country's suburban mosques, schools, and press.

  • UK Charity Group Reveals Complicated Ties Between Global Islamist Networks and Islamist Terror Organizations

    July 13, 2015

    A recent inquiry into the Europe Trust, a registered charity under British law, revealed that the organization's start-up capital came from Arabian Gulf donors and that Europe Trust mainly supports the European branches and affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, many of whose leaders and members have been linked to Islamist terror group operations and lone-wolf acts of Islamist violence.

  • Islamic Caliphate Expands Jihadi Front into Russia

    July 13, 2015

    Radical Islamist groups in the Caucasus are consolidating their support behind the Islamic State ("IS"), indicating the development of a unified jihadi front aiming to expand the IS caliphate from Syria and Iraq into Chechnya and Dagestan and, then, into Russia.

  • IS Commits Atrocities to Forcibly Conscript Children for Jihad

    July 13, 2015

    The Islamic State ("IS") is forcibly conscripting Sunni boys into jihadi activities, committing atrocities such as public immolations of women and children as penalty for non-compliance with conscription.

  • Afghanistan Devolving into Islamist Civil War

    July 13, 2015

    Afghanistan is fracturing into an Islamist civil war, with Hezb-e-Islami, an Islamist organization whose leader is on the US Terrorism Watch List, recently declaring allegiance to the Islamic State ("IS") factions engaged in a battle with the Taliban for control over the country.

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