Islamic State Combines Brutality and Protection to Make Dangerous Legitimacy Gains
June 04, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") has begun to make dangerous gains in building legitimacy as an alternative state in Syria, Iraq, and potentially, Lebanon, by crafting a political message that IS is the protector of Sunni Muslims against both authoritarian regimes and Shiite expansionism, as well as by continuing the use of brutal tactics to respond to any opponents of IS's hyper-fundamentalist brand of Islamism.
New Report Details Challenges in Countering Growth of Western Female Recruits in IS
June 02, 2015
A comprehensive new report published by the widely respected British think tank International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence identifies a significant increase in and diversity among Western female recruits to a wide variety of functions in the Islamic State ("IS"), suggesting the need for greater focus on female demographics in programs for countering violent Islamism and deradicalization of Islamist jihadis.
IS Executes Civilians in Palmyra in War with Syrian Regime
June 01, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") is conducting public executions of civilians in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, as part of the Islamist extremists' war against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and against Islamic militias deemed by IS to be non-conformists and heretics according to IS's interpretation of Islamic law.
Boko Haram Forcibly Conscripting Girls for Islamist Suicide Bombings
May 28, 2015
Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamist extremist group waging low-level war to bring sharia law to Nigeria and surrounding African states, is increasing its forcible conscription of young girls to carry out jihadi suicide bombings, with security analysts indicating that Boko Haram's notorious mass kidnapping last year of Nigerian schoolgirls is also a mechanism for brainwashing and militarization of child jihadis.
Boko Haram Resurgence in Nigeria Hints at Expanding IS Presence in Africa
May 27, 2015
The Nigerian jihadi group Boko Haram has undertaken a renewed military offensive in a series of targeted territorial advances and female suicide-bomber attacks, strategic and tactical maneuvers associated with the Islamic State ("IS"), which suggests that Nigeria's Islamist militant organization may be rebranding itself as "the Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWAP)."
Boko Haram Uses Systematic Rape as Part of Islamic State Expansion in Africa
May 20, 2015
Human rights and relief workers are reporting that the Nigerian jihadi group Boko Haram is using widespread, systematic rape and enslavement of women and girls as part of their militant strategy of expanding a sharia caliphate loyal to the Islamic State ("IS") into sub-Saharan Africa.
Islamic State Militants Expand Sharia State Footprint
May 20, 2015
After inflicting massive civilian casualties in its successful battle to capture the Iraqi provincial capital city of Ramadi, the Islamic State ("IS") has expanded the footprint of its sharia terror state to only 70 miles from Baghdad.
Extremist Islamists Link Blasphemy and Islamophobia to Suppress Free Speech
May 12, 2015
The recent attack by two Islamist gunman against the Muhammad Art Exhibit/Contest in Garland, Texas evidences how, in order to suppress public criticism of their religious beliefs, Islamist extremists equate alleged blasphemy with Islamophobia and bigotry.
Norway Sentences Returning Jihadi Fighters in Crackdown on Violent Islamism
May 11, 2015
As part of Europe's efforts to counter the spread of violent Islamist extremism associated with radicalized jihadi fighters returning to European countries of origin, Norwegian courts have imposed prison sentences on three returnees from Islamic State ("IS") jihadi operations in Syria, based on charges of aiding terrorism.
Global Jihadi Competition Plays Out in Media and Military Contexts
May 11, 2015
A meaningful understanding of what has become an undeniably global, competitive marketplace for extremist Islamist ideas and practices - led by the jihadi titans of al-Qaeda ("AQ") and and The Islamic State ("IS") - depends on a multi-level analysis that considers the AQ-IS competition in terms of clients, franchises, and wins and losses in both the media and military contexts.