UN Report Pushes for ICC Prosecution of Islamic State for Genocide and War Crimes
April 01, 2015
A recently released report of the UN Human Rights Council is urging an International Criminal Court ("ICC") inquiry into actions by the Islamic State ("IS") which constitute genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, perpetrated under the banner of jihad, against Yezidis and Christians in Iraq.
Islamic State Targets Syrian Children for Recruitment and Radicalization
April 01, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") has undertaken a program targeting Syrian children displaced by IS violence and the civil war in Syria, using systematic recruitment and radicalization that relies on strict Islamist indoctrination and weapons training for eventual jihadi field operations.
Creeping Islamism Feared as Source of Deadly Attack in Tunisia
March 19, 2015
Tunisian government officials fear that yesterday's deadly attack on visitors at the country's internationally renowned Bardo Museum is the work of domestic radical Islamists and others from neighboring Libya, given that the high numbers of Tunisians who have flocked to Syria and Iraq to fight with Islamic State ("IS") belies the moderate pronouncements of Libya's Islamist Ennahda Party.
Effective Response to Globalization of Jihadi Radicalism Depends on Addressing Factors Common To All Islamist Militant Groups
March 18, 2015
Any possibilities for an effective strategic response to the threats presented by the global proliferation and diversification of violent Islamist jihadi groups - one which rejects a permanent war footing and a perpetual reactiveness - depends on recognizing and responding to the shared realities of religious purity and deep-rooted resentment for Western policy choices identified by Islamism with political authoritarianism, economic inequity, and compromised sovereignty.
U.S. Air Force Vet Indictment Points to Islamic State Recruiting Reach
March 18, 2015
The details of the U.S. federal grand jury indictment of a former U.S. Air Force veteran on terrorism charges related to his support for the Islamic State ("IS") reveals the scope and success of the violent Islamist organization's recruiting initiatives for global jihadi operations.
French Diplomat Suggests Combination of Diplomacy and Force to Meet Violent Islamist Challenge
March 18, 2015
A former career diplomat and French government official suggests that, given the globalized nature of contemporary jihadism, as well as the complexities of its roots in religious, political, and socioeconomic factors, the optimal approach to a successful defeat of violent Islamism is a judicious combination of sustained diplomatic activity and focused military engagement.
Abductions of Foreign Medical Team in Libya Underscore Terror Tactics of Islamic State
March 18, 2015
The Islamic State ("IS") continues to use abductions as a terror tactic of choice for carrying out their war to expand the territorial coverage of their caliphate, with the kidnapping of a team of 20 foreign medical workers in Libya, the latest victims in the jihadi civil war raging in that country.
Recruitment Pathways to Violent Islamism Are Complicated Business
March 18, 2015
Analysis of the regular blog posts by the Australian teen who died last week in a suicide bombing attack for the Islamic State ("IS") against Iraqi Security Forces in the city of Ramadi reveals the particularities in the Western youth's conversion "from committed atheist to committed jihadist," suggesting that policy efforts to counter violent Islamist recruiting is a granular, incremental process with no guarantees of success.
Islamist Extremists Unify Efforts for Global Caliphate
March 16, 2015
There is growing resonance and unity across diverse radical Islamists groups and geographic regions, such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, for the objective of the Islamic State ("IS") to globalize the caliphate now being consolidated under IS control in Iraq and Syria.
Canadian Islamic Council Condemns Islamic State
March 16, 2015
A group of Canadian Muslim scholars has signed a fatwa issued by the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada in Calgary, condemning the Islamic State ("IS"), as well as any attempts by the jihadi group to threaten Canada.