Islamic State Spokesman Calls for Jihadi Attacks on Europe and U.S.
September 24, 2014
The official spokesperson for the Islamic State (“IS”) has called for the organization's loyalists to attack the citizens of U.S. and European coalition countries engaged in bombing IS targets in the Middle East.
Uighur Muslim Peace Activist Gets Life Sentence in Chinese Court
September 24, 2014
China's most prominent Uighur Muslim peace activist has been sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of agitating for separatism for the country's Muslim minority, provoking international calls for his release and condemnation of China for its human rights abuses against the Uighurs Muslims.
American ISIS Supporter Convicted of Conspiracy to Support Terrorism
September 17, 2014
Reflecting rising concerns about traction for violent Islamism inside America, U.S. citizen and Colorado resident Shannon Conley was convicted yesterday in federal district court of conspiracy to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”), after she was apprehended en route to Turkey and Syria and confessed her "view of Islam as requiring participation in violent jihad."
Militant Islamists Cite Advice of Religious Leadership in Release of UN Peacekeepers
September 17, 2014
The al-Nusra Front, the Syrian franchise of al-Qaeda, released 45 United Nations peacekeepers held hostage for two weeks, announcing that their decision followed the advice of their religious leadership.
Cut Cash-Flow to Help Defeat ISIS
September 17, 2014
The Islamist terror group The Islamic State (“IS”) depends on regular cash-flow to finance its operations and to maintain its program of social welfare operations that sustain its support, so experts argue that cutting off IS’s cash flow is critical to defeating the organization.
Islamist Militants Suspend Jihad to Help Flood Victims in Kashmir
September 17, 2014
The United Jihad Council (“UJC”) announced it is temporarily suspending its jihad activities in Kashmir so that the alliance of militant Islamist groups will focus on rescue and relief for flood victims in the contested province hard-hit by recent floods and landslides.
NATO-Member Turkey a Recruiting Ground and Safe Haven for Islamist Terror Groups
September 17, 2014
Turkey, a NATO member-country and a candidate for EU membership, has drawn criticism from Western intelligence and security experts for serving as a recruiting ground for foreign and Turkish fighters in the Islamist terror group ISIS, allowing an open-border policy for safe haven to ISIS fighters in Syria, and providing cash-flow to ISIS from oil exports.
Colorado Woman Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Support ISIS
September 17, 2014
A Colorado woman is the latest in a recent spate of U.S. citizens convicted of conspiring to provide material support to the Islamist militant group ISIS, a trend line that, according to the FBI, includes Americans heading to fight with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Boko Haram Continues Slow Expansion from Nigeria into Neighboring African States
September 10, 2014
The militant Islamist group Boko Haram is using its platform in Nigeria, where it has proclaimed a local caliphate in the towns under its control, to expand the battle to impose sharia in Africa, staging several recent attacks on Christian villages in neighboring Cameroon.
Islamic State Issues Banking Orders in Mosul to Help Finance Caliphate
September 10, 2014
The Islamic State (“IS”) has issued strict limitations on Mosul residents' access to their bank accounts, designed to help finance the new Islamist Caliphate by drawing on cash resources from Shia Muslims, Sunnis deemed "enemies of Islam," and Christians and other religious minorities in the parts of Iraq under IS control.