Violence and Security

  • Returning Jihadis from Syria a Concern for U.S. Homeland Security

    July 10, 2014

    Senior U.S. and Western intelligence and counter-terrorism officials are voicing growing concerns over potential high-level security threats from radicalized individuals returning home after fighting with extremist Islamist groups in Syria.

  • Libya on Brink of Civil War as Islamists and Renegades Battle

    July 10, 2014

    Libya is teetering on the brink of civil war, as the government and the Islamist-dominated Parliament are facing armed attacks from opposing paramilitary groups led by renegade general Khalifa Haftar, a lone wolf whose claims of U.S. support have been officially disavowed by Washington.

  • Prodromou: ISIS Endgame Is Islamic Caliphate

    June 23, 2014

    Elizabeth Prodromou writes that the long-term goal of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ("ISIL" or "ISIS") to establish an Islamic caliphate in Baghdad should encourage "prudent policy planning" in Washington.

  • Islamists in Syria and Iran Disagree at Doha Forum

    June 19, 2014

    Participating in the U.S.-Islamic World Forum at Doha, the leader of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood rejected the possibility of dialogue with Iran about peace talks on Syria, accusing the Iranian regime of a double strategy of supporting Islamist extremists and working with the al-Assad regime in Syria.

  • Jihadi Wars in Iraq and Syria Signal Islamist Takeovers and New Caliphate

    June 19, 2014

    The staggering success of radical jihadi group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ("ISIS") to capture and control territory in Iraq continues ISIS's gains on the Syrian front, signaling the group's ascendancy over competing Islamo-terrorist group al-Qaeda, as well as progress toward creating a new Middle East caliphate organized according to strict sharia law.

  • Jihadi Advance in Iraq Threatens Extinction of Christians

    June 19, 2014

    The widespread flight of civilians from Mosul with the city's takeover by jihadis from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ("ISIS") is threatening the complete eradication of Iraq's remaining Christian population beleaguered by the country's Islamist civil wars.

  • Canadian Concerns Grow over Homegrown Jihadis with Global Ties

    June 19, 2014

    Information about jihadi fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq and Syria has raised concerns in Canada that Calgary is becoming a magnet for homegrown Islamist radicalism with connections to global Islamist networks of violence.

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