Violence and Security

  • Expanding Jihadism in African Sahel Causes Security Threat

    June 15, 2021

    The expansion and multiplication across Africa’s five-country Sahel region has proven impervious to the combined counterterrorism efforts of the UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSA), the G5 Sahel Force, and the French and EU missions, raising the stakes for a renewed security response to confront Africa-based Islamist extremism, including massive refugee flows into Europe.

  • Palestinian Islamic Jihad Strategy in Israel

    June 14, 2021

    Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) signaled its increasing military capabilities by pursing jihad against Israel, taking the lead from Hamas in the recent round of Israel-Gaza violence, using PIJ’s locally produced rockets to barrage Israeli civilian targets.

  • IS Militants Target Security Checkpoint in Libya

    June 14, 2021

     Islamic State (IS) militants carried out a lethal suicide attack against a security checkpoint in southwest Libya, indicating the ongoing presence of the Islamist terror group in the North African state fractured by civil war.  

  • Taliban Calls for Afghans Who Worked With NATO to Show Remorse

    June 09, 2021

    The Taliban is calling on all Afghans who worked in translation and support activities with NATO peacekeepers to “show remorse for their treasonous activities against Islam and the country” in order to live safely.

  • Mideast Origins of IS Now Expanded to Nigeria

    June 09, 2021

    Evidence that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (IS) has gone beyond its Mideast regional origins was confirmed with a recent IS operation to kill the head of the Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram due to the organization’s willingness to allow Muslims as collateral damage when attacking non-Muslims and Nigerian state targets in Islamist militant activities. 

  • Turkey Makes Common Cause with Mafia & Nationalists

    June 09, 2021

    Turkey's Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is making common cause with the country's most infamous mafia leader associated with human trafficking, money laundering, and assassinations, creating a deep state alliance of Islamists, nationalists, and organized crime to target the country's religious and ethnic minorities and to suppress all dissent in the NATO member-state.

  • Jihadists in NW Syria Target Assad Supporters & Competing Islamists

    June 08, 2021

    Syrian jihadist organization Hayat Tahirir al-Sham announced on social media that it has launched a campaign to consolidate full control over Syria's northwestern province of Idlib, arresting suspected supporters of the al-Assad regime, as well as members of competing Islamist extremist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda and IS.

  • Indonesian Police Arrest Islamists Planning Attacks on Churches & Police Stations

    June 07, 2021

    Counter-terrorism police in Indonesia arrested 12 suspects in Indonesia's easternmost province of Papua associated with an IS-affiliated extremist group, based on information and weapons discoveries pointing to plans to attack Roman Catholic churches and a prominent archbishop, as well as at to target police stations.

  • Hamas Gains Against Israel with Transnational Support

    June 07, 2021

    Transnational Islamist militant networks were evident in Hamas' recent military and public opinion successes in the most recent round of Hamas-Israel violence, as Iran, Turkey, and Qatar have augmented their supply of Islamist mercenaries and materiel in Libya aimed at eroding Israel's security environment.

  • Security in Sub-Saharan Africa Deteriorates with Latest Jihadi Attack in Congo

    June 04, 2021

    United Nations peacekeepers suspect an IS-related jihadist group as the perpetrator of a high-casualty attack on a civilians in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the most recent violence signaling an escalation in the years' long operations by Islamist militants that degrade the security environment of Sub-Saharan Africa.  

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