Violence and Security

  • Taliban Flex Islamist Muscle in Afghanistan with Abduction of 26 Peace Activists

    December 31, 2019

    With the recent abduction of 26 members of the People’s Peace Movement of Afghanistan, the Taliban, the jihadi group fighting to create a sharia state in Afghanistan, demonstrated its rising power against the weak central government and any civil society opposition to radical Islamism.

  • Saudi Arabia Convicts Khashoggi Murderers

    December 23, 2019

    Prosecutors in Saudi Arabia doled out death sentences and prison terms for individuals responsible for the 2018 murder-dismemberment of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, but exonerating top aides to the Islamic theocracy’s de facto leader Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

  • Eurasian Security Leaders Warn of IS Relocation & Consolidation in Afghanistan

    December 23, 2019

    Leaders from five key Eurasian states, including China and Russia and Iran, and India, Tajikstan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan are sounding the alarm over the geopolitical risks and security threats of a resurgent Islamic State ("IS"), which has relocated to Afghanistan and is using the unstable country as a new operational base to project Islamist radicalism and violence across Eurasia.

  • Iran's IRGC Seeks to Ensure Islamist Objectives through Control of Persian Gulf

    December 17, 2019

    Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) remains the tip of the spear in ensuring that the Islamist theocracy's foreign policy priorities are protected, including the subjection of all foreign vessels seeking passage through the geopolitically crucial Straits of Hormuz and Persian Gulf to IRGC monitoring and approval.

  • DC Influencers Discuss Policy Responses do Security Risks to NATO Members Posed by Turkey’s Islamization Policies

    December 17, 2019

    Washington influencers from Congressional offices, think tanks, and digital media platforms recently discussed the scope of, and policy responses to, threats to NATO member-state security and strategic interests generated by Turkey's Islamist government.

  • Expansion of Jihadism Across Africa's Sahel Requires Increased Western Cooperation

    December 16, 2019

    The steady expansion and escalation of jihadist militant activities and ideological radicalization in the Sahel region of West Africa is being facilitated by the failure of the Western security providers to provide adequate financing, training, and operational presence to support local states.

  • With IS Caliphate War Meeting Defeat in Philippines, Government Will Remain on Jihadist Threat Watch

    December 13, 2019

    President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines announced the forthcoming lifting of martial law on the island of Mindanao after the national military's victory, facilitated by US and Australian intelligence support, in a two-year war against IS affiliated militants fighting to impose a local caliphate, but he cautioned that the longterm security threat from Islamist extremist groups to aiming to penetrate and expand into East Asia will require sustained military-intelligence vigilance.

  • London Bridge Attacks Highlights Hegemonic Threat of Islamist Extremism

    December 11, 2019

    The aftermath of the recent terror attack on London Bridge by a supporter of al-Qaeda and IS has seen United Kingdom (UK) law enforcement and security officials emphasize that Islamist extremism remains the hegemonic security threat to Western and global stability, especially given evidence of the failure of prison de-radicalization programs designed to rehabilitate convicted Islamist radicals.

  • Hamas & IS Are Islamist Rivals, Enemies of Israel

    September 03, 2019

    The Gaza-based Islamist group Hamas, dedicated to a sharia-ordered Palestinian state, and IS, the Islamist jihadist entity committed to a global Islamist caliphate, are escalating their internecine competition, while also remaining committed to their common position of rejecting Israel’s right to exist.

  • Trial Scheduled for Al-Qaeda’s Prime Conspirators of the 9/11 Attack

    September 03, 2019

    A US military judge has scheduled a date for the trial of the leading conspirators who architected al-Qaeda’s 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States, with the five Islamist terror leader’s’ trial by a special military commission slated to begin on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 jihadist assault on America. 

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